First Bike suggestions

Honda Ruckus 50cc’s of fury -> $110 a year

For anyone looking for bike insurance…Call This woman, she saved me $300 bettween my car, bike, and health insurance.

Susan Lakin
tell her Russell gave you her # for bike insurance (or car for that matter)

She has gotten a few of my friends great deals on insurance through State Farm. Even if you have insurance its worth it to save $ every month.

She is gonna ask for your drivers license #, your Social #, what you want for coverages then call you back with a quote…no BS

Ninja 250 or GS500 are excellent starter bikes for someone your size. Learn to ride properly first, then worry about going fast.

Don’t forget about the advanced safety courses in the future (you need to have your license for at least 2 years before taking). Both courses are definately worth the time for LEARNING.

EDIT: State Farm does not offer a discount for taking the courses.

state farm doesnt offer discounts for the courses but they where $200 cheaper a year than anyone close…

I never checked with anybody else. My VTX1800 is about $380/yr full coverage. My car/homeowners’ insurance is thru them, so they insure my bike.

def take the safety course. esp since you ahve never ridden before. they will teach you everything you need to know. that way you can get yoru feet wet safer by taking hte course.

obi-1, jackdup and i all learned on teh same bike lol
the suzuki gs500 was a great learning bike. who knows how many times it was dropped. but since everything folds and bounced back it never looked damaged:rofl:


State Farm will only insure you if you already have insurance through them or move all your policies over. They tried fucking me over when I was 21 no accidents, no tickets and wanted to charge me 317 a month for a new 2001 cavalier (first new car) told them to take a hike.

As for the Advance rider’s course you DO NOT have to have your licence for 2 years. Infact they changed it to they now licence you like the Basic course if you meet certian requirements.

(You will need your own motorcycle to take these classes)

The Experienced RiderCourse (ERC) was developed to address the critical skills and knowledge needed for relatively low risk, enjoyable on-street motorcycling. The course is for experienced motorcyclists of all ages and is usually completed in one or two days (total 6 hours). The course is ideal for graduates of the Basic RiderCourse. It provides a structure for them to further refine their riding skills. The course is informative, enjoyable and valuable. We recommend that riders refresh and hone their riding skills every year with an ERC.

LICENSING AVAILABLE! Experienced riders who have a motorcycle permit can become licensed through the Experienced RiderCourse.

I’ve been riding for 10 years and I agree with most of what has been said.

I’ve owned Honda Nighthawks, a Suzuki GS1000, a Yamaha XS650, 2 SV650’s (both carb and FI), a couple Honda CB series bikes, and I’ve ridden probably 3 dozen other bikes (Ninja 250 and GS500 included).

The Ninja 250 or the GS 500 are great first bikes. They have both been around forever, they are super easy to ride, parts and insurance are both cheap and they lose very little resale value if you buy a used one. Both are available without full plastics and your insurance on one of these “naked” versions should be significantly lower than the full-fairing version.

You’re not a big guy and the only thing these bikes won’t do is have you racing against assholes with R1’s, chrome half helmets and the little rubber “nutz” hanging off the back of their bike. I sold my 04 SV650S last year and I’ve been looking at 500cc and under because frankly I enjoy them more overall and a GS500 has no problem moving my 200lbs. around.

Just my $0.02, no matter what you buy I’m sure you’ll have a blast.

Heard the GSXR 600 and CBR 600 weren’t to bad either.

they aren’t…i rode a gsxr600 that i was going to buy…liked it a lot…and my cbr i love it…but as with any 600 and a new rider…you MUST respect the bikes power…i haven’t done my first fall yet and i’m not looking forward to it even though i know its coming…taking it a little easier will make sure that first fall isn’t at 45+. Just get an old F2 or an older gsxr and take is easy…i could see you enjoying a ninja250 yes…but i can also see you upgrading rather quickly after getting used to it

Your inexperience speaks volumes in the above statement. This is not advice you should be giving to a future rider. Your goal as a rider should be to ride defensively & safely, but have the confidence to tell yourself that you will not crash. With your above statement, you expect to crash/fall.

Riding a Motorcycle is more than just pulling out from a stop & shifting. There are 11ty billion people out there that are trying to kill you. Your goal is to stay alive, ride safe, think of what effect your actions will have on you & others around you. Single vehicle motorcyle crashes kill more bikers than any other type of accident.

I’m not trying to preah to you, so sorry if I come off like a dick. I’ve only been riding for 5-6 years & have tens of thousands of miles under my belt on many different bikes, yet I can still learn everyday. Do take the courses, they will teach you alot. You may not believe this when you are in the courses, but it’ll make you think while riding and make you a better rider.


:whitey: now that you have ridden a little go take the course you will be bored for a little bit but you will be amazed at the stuff that you do naturally that you are doing wrong. then in a real world situation it just becomes instinct… like 454ss i have only been riding for 4 years and i rode for 2 years before taking the course and i was shocked…

Everyone falls…this has been something that the most experienced riders have ALWAYS told beginners…and it even happens to the best…if there is a possibility that something can happen…it will happen. I know i’m inexperienced and i have a left mirror to prove such…telling yourself you won’t fall is denying the inevitable…and on a side note…before i actually did drop the bike…your damn right i expected to drop it…it happens to everyone

No you are miss understanding them, EVERYONE DROPS A BIKE, Not everyone goes down while riding (and it is deffinatly not something to AIM for).

IE - the weight gets the best of them, Kickstand not fully engaged, tips over due to the kickstand eating into hot blacktop, Tips over due to stopping on a slope and putting worng foot down, ETC.

That’s why they say get a used one to start with.

I was actually down twice on my old ZX12, Once was at the end of march a couple years ago in the southside and the temps dropped. While pulling out from the curb makeing a left the rear tire sild on the yellow lines due to precipitation build up, broken traction and when it regained It high sided me. Granted it was only about 10 miles an hour and simple plastic rash that I fixed in less than 3 weeks. Just incase anyone was wondering NO I WASN’T drinking. I was down in the southside for a late dinner after two of my buddies came over and helped me repolish the lip on the Bike wheels.

Second time that same year in september, after putting 10k miles on the bike all summer, went down again at 286 and 380 interchange at 2am as I was coming to the stop sign on the rap-around to get onto 286 in plum. I went strait through a giant patch of ground asphalt left by the construction crews that just got done paving 380 and putting in those fucking reflectors. Didn’t even know what happend until I got up off of my back and looked around. Again low speed less than 10 mph. Again Same side and fixed again.

In the end both times no injuries or rash due to proper equipment

10k miles!!! holy…

can you PM me? I’d like to get some more info on the proper gear and where to go to get it at a reasonable price

Yes 10k when I went down in that construction zone I just got done putting 200 miles on a new rear tire to scrub it in. That was my 4th rear tire and I was on number 3 for the front. That 12 chewed up tires and spit them out but it handled like it was on rails for as big as it was. I bought that bike with only 2500 miles on it in July 05. When I sold it to Ryan last September (see the other thread because he posted up pictures) there was 21k on it. After I’m done paying off the cruiser I just bought I plan on getting a ZX-14.

My Preference is to deal with Adam at Road Rash on rt 30. He has beaten every price I have come across. He has done such a good job in that aspect I even buy my new crusier stuff though him as well. As for Gear, Decent Helmet, Jacket with full armor, Textile will work initally but get a leather if you can right off the bat. I prefer Joe Rocket because they were big guy friendly and reasonably priced. Get a good pair of leather gloves, I prefer gauntlets, and a good sturdy boot. You don;t have to get riding boots. I used to wear Rocky 10 inch Jump Boots with the zippers. $99 a pair and they held up well. Wore them riding and and while flying in the helicopters.

Not the first person to throw Road Rash at me…i’m going fore sure. Just have to wait for my plates
