First Bike suggestions

Thoughts so far are a GSXR 600 or CBR 600 ,(older models) once more money comes about

still slightly considering a 250…

When I first threw a leg over a streetbike, I only had dirt riding experience. Much of it transitioned to the street, such as picking a line, but the overwhelming advice that stuck with me came from someone that never had ridden a street bike in his life. My Grandfather once told me that if I were disrespectful of my tools and equipment, I would get hurt or killed.

Operating the motorcycle wasn’t an issue, and the very first time I had a close call, my awareness increased 1,000 fold. I felt like an ass while making a very low speed maneuver and dropping the bike in a sandy lot. The other incident was at speed. Inexperience, poor timing, and panic braking contributed to dumping the bike at about 15 MPH. Grabbing the front brake in a panic while crossing a big white arrow that was damp because of a light rain is what caused me to go down. I did manage to avoid being hit by the red light runner which was my ultimate goal, and I only broke a turn signal.

I was out riding one Sunday morning and caught up to a group of guys that were heading South on the old Pacific Coast Highway toward Big Sur. I learned a lot about riding from tagging along with those guys for a few weeks.

If you have Google Earth, plug in these coordinates:

Lat 21°28’24.87"N
Long 158° 7’8.58"W

I used to ride this everyweekend when I had my FZR600. Totally awesome.


Lat 21°28’24.87"N
Long 158° 7’8.58"W

Thats in Hawaii??

Yeah…I was stationed there for 3 years. The road that I gave the coordinates to was called Kolekole Ave and it ran through Schofield Barracks up the hill and over the Kolekole pass. Went down over the hill through the Naval Storage magazine and ended up at the ocean.

I would try to ride it at least once a week.

There is nothing wrong with what Hero said, so you must be one of the chrome helmeted assholes.

Just because you started on somthing bigger doesn’t mean this kid has to or is able to. I started on a 2001 ZX-12 you don;t see me suggesting this to him.

get a 600 no need for anything bigger to learn this will hold you over for atleast 2 years then get something bigger if you wish… or just keep the 600 and beat the bigger bikes in the twisties because they dontknow how to ride but atleast they can go fast in a straight line

Or you may be an asshole? I didn’t even quote HERO, are you even reading the thread? I just didn’t like how he(poisonus beef) had to pick an R1 as the bike to put the douche bag on in his explanation. I dont ride like a dick, nor did I suggest to anyone to learn on a 1000. If you read anything I posted prior to this you would have seen that. Lighten up.

Flyinglow, what makes you say 600’s will beat 1k’s in the twisties? Rider = Everything

No I’m far from an asshole. Yes I did miss-type who you quoted, none the less you still got cheesed off because the guy used an R1 in his statement.

All PiosionousBeef was trying to tell this kid, is to not worry about looking like a fool to some asshat with a chrome helmet on riding a <insert liter bike> and worry about learning to ride first.

So instead of reenforcing PB’s statement which is a very vaild one, you got a case of the ass because he said R1 and chrome helmets. That make me think you are a bit insecure instead of realizing assholes ride all makes and models.

Flyinglow, what makes you say 600’s will beat 1k’s in the twisties? Rider = Everything

Again, he is refering to the assholes on R1’s with chome helemts buying the bike before they even know how to actually ride all because they saw it on the latest rap video.

Now if he would have said “keep the 600 and beat the posers/assholes/noobs on the bigger bikes in the twisties” I would have known to assume that. But I guess you can read into his response better than I can.

I got “cheesed off” when you decided to call me an asshole after you took my :jerkit: so seriously.

My point was that assholes ride all makes/sizes, not just R1’s or liter bikes.

Ok so let me get this strait, you didn’t understand Mac’s statement, and we were supposed to understand " :jerkit: " with no other text refered to your second quote?

Again, you got pissed off because someone used your precious make in an EXAMPLE. Get over it. Your bike has a stereotype, if you don’t fall into it don’t worry and just worry about posting up good advice to a new rider insted of acting like you got sand in your vagina because someone mentioned “R1” in a negative light. You’re not riding the holy grail of motorcycles.

Imdoneyouwin. :cookie:

You’ll want to move up from the 250 a lot faster than you will the 600. If you can land a good deal on a 600, dont pass it up.

new KTM Duke looks like a great starter bike. Too bad it’s almost $10k.

That little Duke does look nice but I love the Super Duke in all black! If I ever get some money the Monster might be out!

I wanna Super Duke in a bad way.

ive read a lot and always seem to find that the ZX6R and GSXR are people’s favorite bikes. im trying to get a bike too, and would probably get one of these

get the 250, its a much lighter bike, so it’s easier to toss around, you’ll have plenty of fun on it. Get all learning under your belt then get a bigger bike.