They added a new highspeed lift at holiday valley, now I don’t have enough time to finish my beer
I’m taking all of this medicine and vitamins bc I have a cold but I’m still going to be stuffy for the next few days
My check engine light came on so my remote starter won’t work. This is my main motivation for getting check engine lights taken care of promptly
drained my hot tub today because i don’t like going out in the cold to keep it clean
I need to sell my laptop because I have too many computers as it is.
I have too many TVs and too much furniture, and now I have to deal with selling it and giving it away.
I went to take a shit, and by the time I sat down, I realized I left my new Motortrend issue in my other bathroom
I have to waste two weeks of paid vacation at my real job to go work another job only making four times what I usually make. Ill only have four weeks of vacation time left then
My boss told me two hours is just a little too long for a lunch break
I have to be in early tomorrow. I have a meeting at 10
I could go on for hours. I work in bizzaroworld
My bonus checks get taxed at 44%. WTF?
You also work at GM?
Brokerage fees are annoying
I am too lazy to buy more furniture to furnish my new huge house
Atleast once a week I have to work hard for my generous salary
Sometimes watching things on DVR im just not as excited as if I was catching it naturally for some reason
Why do I have to DVR things. Don’t we have the technology for the TV to just know?
Purity Ring hasn’t released an album for me to illegally download yet
Govt trying to stop illegal downloads is a bummer
Our national debt and economic situation makes me fear my generation might have to live more modest. Bummer
Ahhhh first world problems
Tim Hortons is part of my weekly buget.
I think cougarspeed just about covered it…
Even with $1000 worth of electronic navigation equipment we got lost on our snowmobiles, vehicles we have purely for recreation.
I have two jobs: one for the government and one for GM!
I just got a $150 Jaguar pen as a gift, however I don’t own a Jaguar.
LOL it’s a nut house in there but I love it
I ate too much for lunch and now I have to poop, but someone is in the bathroom.
I have a funny pic to post in the funny pics thread, but no one has bumped it since my last visit, and I don’t feel like searching…