Fish Fags...

So I got curious and started looking at bad ass home fish tanks and found this article about a 50,000 gallon fish tank.

thats sick. I wish to do something similar to my house one day…but not that extreme!

seen that shit in homes for our customers. Absolutly insane how much they spend for tanks like that in a day . A customer came in and bought 4k worth of fish and coral. He came in with ratty clothes on a saturday and looked like a complete scum bag.He is actually one of the nicest and funniest customers I have. He was actually coming up on his day off from being a doctor. Always give him priority and respect.In turn he always comes back to have me wait on him . Loved my bonus that week of the 4k sale !

Damnnn, thats sick. Would love to have a setup like that someday…

does he happen to live In lake george? On the lake?

no sir