fitness help

if your gonna do some bodyweight work outs add the “tabata” workout to it, it will take anything you do to a whole new level. plus its fast paced so it really gets your heart rate going also.

and watch the videos from this guy, he has alot of good ways of working out without going to the gym, lots of strength and endurance stuff here.


forced myself to do them again, so two days in a row! thats like a big deal. i’ve always had a hard time sticking with it, epecially if i wasn’t forced by a coach… I put on my hulkamania shirt and got all hulked up and just went at it. as soon as the soreness goes away i’ll start in the gym at work here.

wish you lived closer to us bob, me and baby rubin hit the gym pretty hard almost all week.

Where do u guys go?

i can’t get too ripped i mean, if i got all huge and drove a g-body…thats a deadly combo. lol

Midgets don’t get ripped so no worries B-O-B:bigthumb:

i / we go to a place in plum called “Diamond”

Ah.didn’t know u lived that far away…

yah other side of the city