fix a flat?

i used to use it for my quad got a flat, can u use it on cars lol?

i will probably never use the wheels again, so i dont care.

i got a slow leak and it loses all of its air after about 4days

just doing this until my rims come in from __ so i can drive my car atleast

think it will work?/hold up?

i have seen it used, but when you replace the tires they make you pay a special disposal fee because of whatever that stuff is made of.

it will work

it will work, just make sure if you take them to swerve you let them know or big paul will rip your head off :lol:

Pretty sure I watched on TV before where they debunked the myth that this stuff is all over inside the tire.

The ENTIRE bottle of fix-a-flat turns into no more than a few ounces of a soapy liquid

yea it will work …if not put a donut on and go do some launches :slight_smile:

I hated when I’d have to changed a tire and they didn’t tell me about using fix-a-flat. Break the one bead and then BAM! shit all over me. Ughhhhh.

haha i might do it on purpose just to see what he does!!

this is only for my snow tires and rims, but they are bald from camber n shit anyways. hopefully after this week i will never have to use them again except for the car sitting during winter

Fixaflat does really work?
I have a slow leak in my regular 16" summer, loses maybe 3-4psi a day.
I’ve just been filling it up every other day versus getting it fixed ;\

some slow leaks fix a flat will fix, but leaks around the rim esp due to corrosion of the wheel usually fix a flat wont work for long

yea usually if they arent sidewall leaks it will fix it

fix a flat or slime