Fix the damn manholes!!!

I pay this stupid excise tax to the city I live in here in Mass. I’ve been here for about a year and a half and there are these 2 giant manholes infront of the police station. I asked them to fix the manholes on my tax payment check. They just got fixed over the weekend :slight_smile:

win??? i think?

Im sure your one check did it

I paid over 300 last year for that stupid tax… could have easily paid 2 guys + materials to fix it.

lol… could have called KFC

Speaking of pot holes, I thought when I moved to Myrtle Beach I wouldn’t have that problem again. WRONG! They are just as bad here, but they never get fixed, my exhaust actully got ripped of once from one being so big and me not having anywhere else to go!

are you talking about the above… or a vagina

what wrong with your Manholes (wow what a gay word)