Flashlight drags???


I am finally going to make one, I think! LOL I will be there in the TA

I AM racing this time…

Um…yeah OK… :zzz:

and bring the aircleaner assembly

you better…or im coming to see you!!!:finger2:

Ill be there

might have to make it just to see the last one of the year

eric you better make it!

might go to watch…

ill be there filming so come find me if you want me to film your car, ill be in my usual BALDAUF AUTOBODY shirt. More than likely we will post them on youtube again.

no race for me this time but ill still be there

u better get my t-shirt :smiley:

I’ll be there too bad Chad’s car is out for the season. :burnout: :burnout:

Just a few general questions…

Does it cost money to run?

also do I need a helmet/ is there anything else I should know about the event?


25$ to race

helmet if u have ur top down/T-tops off etc

i’ll be there racing

cool, thanks for the info

I was on my way down the track when I noticed that green VW smoking like crazy.

anyone know what happened?

wiring fire is what i heard.

Yea i thought that was u 85ta when i saw all that smoke. I saw u at the line then i saw the trucks racing down to put out the fire.