Florida Beach To Designate Smoking Areas

How lame can ya really get to have designated smoking ares in the open air?

So if your smoking and the winds are blowing west, and 1 mile down someone wants to bitch and complain or even sue ya cause they smell it or some crap.

Just another headach if ya ask me. next smoking on street corners will be a crime.


I can smell that shit on the 33 when someone is smoking in the car in front of me. Fuck em, let them rot in their little smokers pit.

I bet you it’s more because most of the smokers I know and/or see can’t learn how to put them out in the correct place.

Butts everywhere, except the ashtray.

In front of my building where everyone smokes, retards, everyday, standing next to the ashtray, just flick it into the street.

let me help you out…

how lame is it that smokers don’t care that they’re killing the environment and everyone around them?

fucking noobs.

I remember when I was a little kid walking on the beach and stepped on a lit butt.






Also very true drives me nutty when the butts are piled around the ashtray.

The beaches around where I live are actually extremely clean and I’ve never seen any issues with an abundance of butts laying around so ???
Just another group of people that were bored so decided to make another BS rule.

aside from when I’m drinking I’ve quit smoking for the most part, so I try to be considerate and not smoke directly in front of a group of people not smoking. However if i’m smoking and you see that and decide to stand/sit next to me then try and complain and ask me to not smoke i’d laugh.

To each their own, if you don’t like it don’t come near me

Is the Cabana boy going to tell me not to smoke? LOL

Well I have intentions on packing my balls up and the family up and moving down there before spring. I HOPE that there aren’t more stupid law’s down there like that. would be a bummer to get rap sheet down there also for something REALLY stupid.

Yeah, stupid laws… Why should YOU have to be inconvenienced so that those around you aren’t subjected to YOUR bad decisions? If you want to smoke, you should be able to smoke. If other people don’t like it then they should have to move. :roll2:

Some people are so arrogant…

yeah arrogant! thats me! lol anyways,
Stupid laws in florida include:

Unmarried couples may not commit “lewd acts” and live together in the same residence.

Doors of all public buildings must open outwards.

It is illegal to skateboard without a license.

When having sex, only the missionary position is legal.

You may not fart in a public place after 6 P.

It is considered an offense to shower naked.

Oral sex is illegal.

You may not kiss your wife’s breasts.

:mamoru: Yeah, that’s a stupid law alright…

…think about it…

…did you figure it out yet?..

That’s actually part of the fire safety code everywhere. Think about it, fire breaks out, mad rush for the doors, everyone’s pushing. If the doors open inwards then they just get pushed shut. If the doors open outwards then the crowd pushes them open and everyone gets out.

no comment on the other ones smartass?

i like it, i personally think all smoking should be banned and tobacco should be discarded. but thats me

Yeah the other ones are retarded. :tup:

Most of the other ones are “leftover” laws, from colonial times. There are strange laws like that on the books in every state, they simply are not enforced.

and there should also be a law that DSM’s shouldn’t break right :gotme:

Free country, if you wana smoke do it. If not then walk away from someone that is and don’t bitch about it.

Fixed. :tup: