lol yeh not starting off on the right foot
Lol yeah this is not the way I wanted to start this but hey it happends
Had another friend look at the clutch while I’m away and he said the clutch seems to grab very quick as in almost launching the car and not allowing it to creep or start from a dead stop normally.
Hopefully that’s a sign of a weak slave cylinder and thats it, I’ll try that first and replace the fluid and hope the problem goes away.
Clutch itself was done at 85 k and motor timing was looked at 100k by Audi and they said it was fine so no work was done.
I just now need to find diagrams for the slave and a diy for replacing it, I’ve seen one or two diy and they say it’s on top of the trans so that sounds fun but yet to see pics of what it looks like and how it goes together
flush brake/clutch master fluid. bleed both systems.
if you ever suspect the fluid has boiled for the brakes(which is the clutch as well) then the fluid is junk.
knock on wood* glad my s4 is problem free so far, but i do have a 4 year warranty with mine