Fobwall's Track Day! Sep 16th (Dunnville Autodrome)

You GTR guys were passing me like i was standing still, truely amazing cars you have!

Jon, It was nice to meet you… your s14 is absolutely insane, i love it!

Mark (driving Jon’s civic) - It was nice meeting you, and it was a great little battle we had goin a few times out there, nice driving bro!

Hey, you guys probly dont know me im Bignate over on GTRCanada and I was the guy driving the gunmetal GTR with the stock wheels. I would like to give a big thanks to Mark for putting this event together and all the guys who helped out. It was my first track day and I had a blast. Good group of guys and hopefully I will see you guys out on the track again.

I have to say I was very suprised at how quick some of those sr20 swapped 240’s are. Some pretty good drivers out there.

Don’t forget about the KA-T guys! :wink:

Thanks to Mark and John for running a well organized event. I had a good time both driving and flagging the event.

Make another one happen Marky!

^^^ how you survived on those 16-inch stock wheels and so-so street tires is beyond me :-p Yeah lots of those 240s prolly have near your horsepower but in a much lighter chassis.

Some random thoughts:

  • some of those S13s pull hard on the straights: Fobwall & Hurricane etc…
  • guy in the 4-door Corolla was bananas, keeping pace with the red Hachis on crap looking tires.
  • A record 4 Skylines showed up! My guilt trip is working.
  • White Subaru RS w/STi motor & cage is insane but it will never be fast on those BS Hercules 225 tires.
  • JIM in the FD got some crazy video of our battle, unfortunately the GTR was acting weird on the cold track, new suspension settings so it prolly looks like I’m DUI.
  • Jim left early didn’t get to try his crazy lap timer - Damn!
  • Battle with Vassago’s GTR was awesome once again, Scott get a man’s tire then try next yr :-). 12 RB cylenders screamin’ away was awesome, sometimes when they are firing at the same time, they like cancel each others soundwaves or something and I couldn’t hear my motor or other times it was creating like a loud resonance boom in my car. Any physics majors care to explain?
  • Sadly no rematch with Conky, I pointed him by on my cool down, then he pointed me by on his cool down. Later the S14 brakes were having issues so not this year I guess.
  • I didn’t know the OPP was there for fun, I thought they were writing down plates LOL. I would have invited them for a ride muwhahaha.
  • Turbo FWD Eclipse was crazy! When it first went on the track everyone was like WTF? Then he did some voodoo and the car was flying.
  • Average Player almost got sick in my car.
  • Gonad said he almost ripped off the holy shit bar on my passenger door.
  • 15psi + Race gas FTMFW!

Hey Joe, John at dunnville will be emailing me and I will be giving him all your email addresses so that can he forward some preview pictures to all of you to see if you’d like to purchase the DVD. However, I’m pretty sure that there were other people there taking pics as well.

Btw, can you pm me your email address? It’s kinda hard to read your hand writing. haha

[QUOTE=2G-Money;259148-] Average Player almost got sick in my car.

me after a ride in your car.

I still feel fuzzy

I guess you missed the 2 times i almost lost it on turn 1 and when i went off the track on the 2nd corner before the caroussell(sp). The GTR is pretty menacing on tires that aren’t up to it. I just gotta work on my racing line and get some R compounds/wider tires and then maybe I can at least keep up with you guys somewhat.

I feel ya there man! That car just sticks to the road like nothing else. I too was in fear for daves “oh shit” handles. Trying to hold the camera straight and steady was pretty much impossible.

common, softcore player^?

you do 10 laps with dave balls out trying to hold your camera in one hand, phone in the other in OEM gtr seats.
my entire body hurts.

& the only reason I got fuzzy is because I had nothing to support my head or body
i was getting thrown around like a peice of meat.

by the way,
im working on some pictures.
link for pictures

id say moment of the day was when that bee flew into daves helmet as he was passing me on the middle straight. visor down FTW

Just got word back from the shop. Looks like I’ve been driving without rear brakes for a while and the brake lines in the front look like a shaken soda bottle. Guy at the shop gave me crap for even driving it to the shop rather than having it towed.

Time to switch to some DOT 5.1 and convert the rear drums to discs.

Either that or get a real car…

Dude I went off track yesterday for the first time! A fu$kin bee flew into my helmet when I had the visor up! I was swatting at it, looked up and the 3rd gear turn on the 3rd straight was right in front of me.

Bad judgement on my part, should have let it sting me rather than wreck the car.

I hope you didn’t damage your car when you went off. One of the things I like about Dunnville is that it has lots of nice and open space to run off when stupid stuff (like bees) happen.

^^^ I have a 4ag ze drivetrain with your name on it :wink:

Naw, car is OK, suspension didn’t bottom out and nothing made contact with diff or oil pan etc…

I hope my reaction would have been more rational if there was a wall there?!

i noticed dunnville is really about the lines, if you dont take them, you will understeer/oversteer even though you arent going fast. if you take the lines properly (which i thank john, dustin, gonad and mark for showing me), the car will go so much faster and feel stable. i love how this track forgives overspeeding through a turn by giving you a bunch of road to recover like at brack’s and curve grande

the gtr’s – i love your cars. stupid fast :slight_smile:
s14 (jon’s) – an amazing car. it is well built and once again stupid fast

mark-i wanted to go for a ride with you in your car dammit!!!

All these posts and no talk about the O.P.P making a visit…They had the radar gun on a few of us on the front straight.

haha they were there just for fun

i saw an opp office pulled over a little before the track when i came around 3pm. he didnt even bother pulling me over and harass me… i think they appreciate us doing this on the track then on the street (where it doesnt even matter)