food that destroys you?

My friend has become a vegan, but she does it for health reasons… is that the reason you do it? or is it moral reasons?
I can’t see it being healthier than a regular healthy diet…but I’m not an expert.
she’s dumb though because she LOVES real ice cream and I couldn’t see my self giving up something that I love for a way of life…
You generally DON’T like all the non-vegan stuff out there…

I do it for a variety of reasons. There are healthy vegan diets. And there are UNHEALTHY ones.

but i don’t want to clutter this thread with fggty vegan talk.

mighty gets me going and pizza from Tony’s

the ones from Tops? :smiley:

nall, tony’s on harlem. We always order it from work and every time Im in the shitter a few hrs later

McDonalds Double Cheeseburgers

Fast food would do it.

Although it’s been ~2 years or longer since I’ve eaten that garbage.

Chinese food use to make these acid farts that would burn your face, it was kinda like a cloud that you couldnt cut through.

Now if I eat BBQ beef and a side of beans forget it, gas all night.
Corn also makes me have a ton of gas, but it normally isnt raunchy smelling

My roommate was like that. He would be on the toilet for over an hour. It would sound like Armageddon was coming from the bathroom when he was in there

So like Aerosmith’s “I dont Wanna Miss a Thing?” Yeah… that was a pretty shitty song…


anything from a cow , milk of beef …, or any fast food ( pizza, wings or stuff like that ) its been 4 years from the last time I eat any thing like that … but anything with milk is the worst…

Mighty Taco. T-minus 25 min until bathroom explosion

Sucks getting old- I can’t deal with crap food lately. Late night Mighty Taco or Denny’s- I feel like I ate laxatives the next morning. Should I eat there for lunch, I can kiss my evening goodbye. Most McD’s type places don’t do much better, so I rarely eat that crap. Chinese is hit or miss. I once ate too many fried dumplings and sweet/sour chicken, and I thought I was dying.

Chinese Food. Tasty but it destroys my bunghole.

-Karma for everyone who mentioned McDonalds.

Elmwood Taco & Subs ANYTHING with extra hot sauce usually gives me the liquid toots.

Anything from any shit bag place

Chilis, Fridays, Taco Bell, McDonalds, BK, Tullys, Applebys…

I was going to nig you on some karma, but you did refer to McD’s as a shitbag place, so…bananas.


White Castle…!!:cry:
