food that destroys you?

just pounded down a 3 cheese nacho and a beef n cheese burrito from mighty. my stomach is already turning.

t-minus 30 mins!

how come nothing in the last 40 post is surprising

quit eating shit!

I don’t. Just saying, if I did, those are the places that would give me th shits


I can’t think of anything I eat that really bothers me. A big steak and french onion soup will give me gas that will clear a city block, but it doesn’t bother my stomach at all.

just everyone else’s :slight_smile:

ONLY Buffalo Wild Wings, usually hits me within the hour, I eat wings alot and no other place bothers me but BWW

Hard boiled egg farts equal the suck.

Chinese food probably makes the worst shits. or garbage plates.Garbage plate shits even look the same coming out as they do going in.

Macdonald’s burgers because they are fucking grease bombs

suprised that it hasnt been mentioned but pizza hut.

omg yeah pizza hut kills my insides


Certain foods will give me gas,just like everyone else.Nothing goes through me though the same day,food that I eat today will come out tomorrow.:fyi:

I can eat the hottest of foods and it’ll only burn my mouth.:gotme:

Any kind of fast food, or heavily fried foods.

I avoid all at all cost. With the exception of wings now and again.

Mexican rocks though so I eat it when I can.

sam adams summer ale + queso dip that originalsin left out over night. I had never pissed out of my ass until I ate that.