For Rent: anyone looking to move to san diego??

is the pay equivalently high out there?

nice ass place wish i could afford to leave this dump id move there in a heartbeat GL

actually there is, the place kyles gf’s brother/new room mate works at has pretty good smoked salmon :tup:

tons of good sushi places too

if your renting yes, buying a house, not so much, but your paying for the weather


if i decide to move again…it will be somewhere out west. Where is kyle going?

and on a side note…shir shir…please shhhhit down :wink:

kyle is staying in the area, just moving a bit further east into a bit nicer and cheaper place, i just couldnt give up the pool and being so close to the freeway

plus rage87’s uncle (rich, one of the other room mates) owns the house and he is fucking awesome, no bitchy landlords to worry about

and for skunk:
uuuuhhhhh megan, yea, your ahhh plattapus puzzle, uhhh its been pulverized

SOOOOOOOO tempting…

Nice place you have there.

depending on what kind of life you lead. SD could be a wash as far cost of living.

i cant believe no one has quoted ron burgundy yet

lol did not know you guys didn’t live in buffalo… not that i really know you anyways, but always talked like you were here.

i i just moved here in august

Find me a job out there and Ill do it haha, graduating in May :slight_smile:


god. i wish that:

A) my bimmer was done.
B) i didn’t like my job so much.

nice place, ive been there and only about 2 hours away from LA

hmm i wonder if i can find a job there

lol i didnt even have a room to move into when i first moved out, let alone a job. im doing pretty well now tho

and newman, just bring the bimmer project out here and tell derrick youll do all your work from home and fax them results

LOL at fax

Newman, I’m sure you can find a job that is a better fit for you than Derrick in CA.


looks awesome, if i was still working full time and just didnt start school, i prolly would have greatly considered this… glad ure havin a good life out there…!