If you cant handle a sticky bun hitting the windshield what happens when a bird or a truck tire hits it, like i already said, and they crash and die? Good luck pinning that sticky bun on me too. Are they going to fingerprint the sticky bun? lol Its a wonderfull their word against mine, I could say my flip flop jammed the window down and a gust of wind blew it out of my car. With your logic next time I see a cigarette trown out the window infront of me I should stuff it in the ditch and sue them for causing my accident??? come on.
Yes I was in his thread… said the same shit have been in here. Again, I am not the one cutting people off, so I am not being hypocritical about his/my driving. And YES I would be like that postal dude, I would have just plowed him, like I said the postal guy should have in that thread. In fact its the same shit like when I kicked some bitch’s mirror when she almost hit me on the bike, plowing up the shoulder as I was trying to turn off the highway. The difference was I was fully aware of my surroundings, I had a cop I knew watch it happen, and back me up (lie) if need be to hammer home the lesson for her. Fuck yeah i was an asshole, and fuck yeah it was shady… guess what it worked. She left and never saw/heard from her again… BECAUSE SHE WAS TAUGHT A FUCKING LESSON. Difference between me and the postal guy… I had my bases covered as not to get caught. Nobody stopped, and many saw it happen… like 50 cars on that road when i did it… so even if my cop buddy wasnt there its again my word vs hers. “She blew up the shoulder and hit me Judge” “He kicked it because I almost hit him judge”… 50/50 if anything, likely to take the more at risk riders side in that one if they had morals.
bold part. I assume you are saying you dont want some douch to rear end you in a car, and would rather have a lil bike hit you… right? Same here, thats why when the initial moment you are at the end of the pack of cars hurrying up to slam on the brake, stop and wait on a 65MPH road, I am scared to death, watch my miror like a hawk and leave room ahead of me, to in a split second boot it crank it to the side and move, so that Marty rear ends the guy ahead of me, and might only graze the side of my car, not sandwich me.
Last night I was deep in the pack of people going 10-15mph for miles. No risk of getting plowed and causing any injury or major damage, unless its a locomotive out of control behind us.
And like you said, being a rider like yourself too, knowing air head Marty’s are out there, why the fuck would someone want to split lanes like that to begin with?