Yes but at 50-65mph while we are goign 0-5-10-15mph for miles… not like the old dude on the Harley going 1st gear idle.
I must be ignorant to what is going on here. My comments about calling the cops, suing and pressing charges would be for someone pulling a gun, someone following me to my home, or someone physically assaulting me. Thats taking a situation WAY to far. Me huckin a sticky bun is just taking it a tad bit to far. Thats a major difference. No double standard, more like apples to oranges.
And again, I already realized the fact that the more buttons you push in life the more likely odds will catch up. Already said what you did about some loony (more loony than me) busts a cap in my ass over some cunning roadrage thrown at them because of something they failed to do correctly on the road. I dont live in a fucking bubble. 3 innocent old lady’s were taking a piss and got run over by some loony. Some little girl got run over and killed getting ice cream by some old man who cant drive properly. there was a shoot out last night in Albany 2 dead. Crazy shit happens all around us every day, our lives are in someone else’s hands every time you leave your house, fuck you dont even need to leave… they might come to rob, rape or draw penis’s on your forehead while you are asleep… who the hell knows. my lifestyle has and always will be, Live for me, and live for now.
This is getting retarded in here. My entire point seems to be lost in an all out attack on me, because I, like a lot of you, gave up on the vast majority of people around us who fail to give two shits about you, your property, your family and your safety. YET I am getting attacked because I spoke out about it? You all cant tell me that you didn’t at least once see some douche bag on the road and say to yourself “hope that ass hole crashes”. So its my fault that I have the balls to say it out loud? Fuck you all, at least I stick to one side of the argument.
Which my entire argument here is this. If everyone took pride in their actions, and thought about others a bit more prior to taking action, the incidents would be far less. Am I not right??? So with that being said wouldn’t it be safe to say far less road rage by apparently people like me would be out there. Am I not right again??? So why is it that wrong to, when given the chance, hammer home the point that someone made some mistakes way back on assumption #1(taking pride and thinking about others) so well that it impacts them deep in their brain and they cut the bullshit so it doesn’t happen or at the very least doesn’t happen as much???
People function on forces of habit. Rarely do they change their ways without that habit being broken somehow. (like the lady who cant eat and drive safely every morning I threw the sticky bun at) People do illegal shit all day long; no signals, rolling stop signs, charging lights, blowing red lights, drinking and driving, etc. The police can only see so much, and from that only seem to take care of a fraction of what they see. and of that fraction of the people getting tickets and arrested those people actually STOP doing what they got in trouble for, or again at least remember it in the back of their head next time they try shit again. Its up to you, me, your mother, your grandfather, your preacher (ME! lol) to start standing up, how ever force full its up to you I guess.