For those with insured engine swaps

Who do you get insurance through, and did you get an appraisal first?

I’ve called three companies, and none will insure a modified car.

  • Mike

I have asked my insurace and they said just tell us and give us and approx HP number and we will be fine. To get my money back if i total it i do need an apprasial. They also said if HP is increased by 100% or doubles my rates go up. I am currently with Melocke Monnex paying less than 100 per month for PLPD and comprehensive, no collision tho

They also said if HP is increased by 100% or doubles my rates go up.

That’s the same thing :stuck_out_tongue:

Try Morgex, they are a larger broker, I’m sure they can find you an insurance company. There’s an appraisal place right behind them too.

i am with monnex, except i haven’t told them about the engine swap. I should get around to it, depending on if I sell the car or not.


I’m curently with AllState, they aware of the engine swap however, not of the HP number.
I had to get the vehicle appraised before I could insure it as well.

I was insured with Melloc Monnex, and after my appraisal, worth of the car went up like 3 fold and my hp went up 100%. My insurance went up like $24.

What? I’m with Meloche Monnex too, but I got a very different response than you guys. I was simply told, more than a 25% increase in HP and they won’t insure the car. They said, and I quote: “We don’t deal with modified cars”.

So either you guys are fucked if you write your cars off, or I’m not talking to the right person over there.

Any contacts?

  • Mike

That is NOT true. Talk to a Manager directly.

What Meloche Monnex won’t do is give you a 19A sub-clause with your appraisal, only a 19. So you are not gauranteed to be covered for your FULL appraised value.

But actually HAVING modifications is fine. I know lots of people with modified cars (disclosed) that are insured through Monnex.

ya, my car is on basic insurance, if i write my car off its gone and all that money is going down the drain. If its my fault i will shake it off and tell myself i am a dumbass. if someone hits me, umm that will be a approach to the situation.
