Ford loses big

Not good.

“Ford posts record loss of $12.7B in 2006”

Probably a good time to buy ford stock

why? you think they are gonna turn it around this year?

it might drop to a all time low, since this is there biggest reported loss ever. They should eventually climb back after all the restructing is complete.

They are putting a lot on the line to turn everything around. It can only go one of two ways, and at this point it’s quite low in terms of potential loss.

actually fords stock was up this morning because it was epxected to be this big of a loss, so the drops happened earlier, but the revenue was higher then expected

Numbers dont always tell the whole story. They are restructuring. Its to be expected.

I do expect a big turn around for ford in the next few years. they seem to finaly be listening to the customer. that is a important part of business that they were ignoring since about 1995.