Ford Tarus Fans HELP!

I have the Flex-a-lite temp controller but I rather have a manual controller with a toggle switch.

Does anyone have a similar setup?

I’m a noob when it comes with wiring.


yes ill tell u how if u tell me how u mounted ur fans

ground to ground

  • = run wire with inline fuse to inside car to toggle switch then a wire to the + on the fan

defiantly not, you will need to wire up a relay.

you can wire a relay but if hes not too good with wiring then he can do it the easier way

the easier way? lol you mean the electrical fire way

at startup, a taurus fan draws nearly 50 amps you clown

that will melt most toggle switches in a matter of minutes

samson use a relay… learn how to do it (its really not that hard) or pay/convince someone to do it for you

or, depending on which FAL controller you have, you can add a manual override to it

ideally you should use a controller… its always the best way

all it takes is one time where you forget to turn the fan on in traffic

ACTUALLY… the flex-a-lite has a function built in for a switched overide… its already built in and relayed. :slight_smile:

Just look at the manual for the controler it will tell you which two spots to connect your switch to.

PS if your car is setup properly a fan overide switch is very pointless.


I just went to the junkyard today, saw some altima dual fans, they look like they’d fit almost perfectly in the S13, maybe a little would need to be trimmed on the upper edges.

What is the most common thing done, do people use a toggle switch, or a thermostat equipped fan controller? (Sorry for the threadjack, I still think this is relevant to the discussion…)

Buy what the OP has!

Or you can use a relay and a switch for the $5 solution.

But only the weak minded run switches only…