Forza 3 Demo

See the ad for GT5 in the corner? Looks amazing :slight_smile:

Shift is going to take some getting used to.

I saw the add for Forza 3 in C&D and it looked great. Almost too real.

i played the demo
and honestly im not a huge fan of it
i kinda like 2 better then this one

I would say 3 is more realistic then 2 which I do <3, rwd cars slide way too much! This game feels more predictable and well more real I think!

i disagree
i dont like how when you hit a car it has a need for speed game kinda feel where you just bounce off the cars, its cool how the cars can actually flip over though, and idk if im a huge fan of the whole rewind thing, seems like every game has that now a days
but sliding around is cool, and i like the whole manual trans with clutch
prime for clutch kicks :tup:

the demo seemed promising. The porsche was suicidal but fun to drive. As for the rewinding thing, even though I hated eating wall on the last turn of the last lap I think I would feel more accomplished redoing it all over instead of just hitting rewind like nothing happened.

Buy mine for cheap. Total of 4 hours of use.

I played it and I like it, a lot more so than 2 I just hope they donā€™t make you do a bunch of races with cars no one cares about. The rewind feature will be nice on the longer races or those tracks that piss you off. Itā€™s a video game and while a challenge is nice I donā€™t feel like doing the same race 100 times.

I still have to download the demo, I have been busy lately. Is there going to be a high demand for this at stores or should copies be reserved. What are you guys doing, reserving your copy or hoping for the best?

I agree

Regarding rewind, i cant believe people even bitch about this feature! If you got a problem with it simple solutionā€¦ dont use it, no one says you have to!

I think the game feels more realistic in a sense from previous FM2 because in FM2 if you oversteer with a RWD car even letting off the gas while in a slide the cars backend slides FOREVER!!! Even with good tires it seemed. Now it doesnt happen as much, and i think basically everything in FM3 will be an improvement over FM2, which i do LOVE FM2!

I got the opportunity last night to play this as well as GT5: Prologue for about an hour eachā€¦

Let me just say right off the bat that the controls in Forza felt FAAARRR superior to those in GT5. The amount of feedback you get through the xbox controller vs. the ps3s was astounding. GT5 felt as though I was steering with a dead fish, whereas in Forza I could feel the road, other cars around me, etc.

Graphically the car models looked similar, my one big gripe with both games is that the cars always seem too shinyā€¦that is until in Forza, at least, you damage the car. What a difference that makes. The PS3 did have a slight advantage in the backgrounds and scenery. It wasnā€™t a huge difference between the two, the PS3 seemed to look a little better drawing long distance scenery though.

The biggest thing I liked about Forza was the easy with which you can start racing. The game is really geared to making it as simple as possible. If you want to just hop right in and start racing you can. Also, the ability to change difficulty right before a race was great, you can really fine tune the settings to match your driving skill.

Canā€™t wait for this to get here, GT5 will be hurting big time against this game.

haha GT5=duke nukem of modern day.

This demo got me hooked again. Been playing 2 again and 3 just seems so much better especially all the dynamics and physics. With the demo i turned off all the assists and tried out the manual w/cluth. AMAZING. Forza 2 with all assists off and manual did not play as well. It just seems like the cars easily break the tires free all the time. Iā€™ll probably end up getting this game for christmas though as there are some other games iā€™d rather get first.

Tip for the forza 3 demo - You can race time trials by yourself in the demo. Youā€™ll have to go to the leaderboards right before you enter the track by pressing ā€˜Yā€™ on the track selection screen. Then press ā€˜Aā€™ and you will be the only car to load and race until you quit.

Having played a bit, I like FM3 a lot. Played some GT4 yesterday and the tech has changed so much in a few years.

Iā€™ve had the FM3 limited edition preordered for over a month, lol. Canā€™t wait!

Also Iā€™m considering the Fanatec wheel but itā€™s so freaking expensiveā€¦


eat ass GT5 :slight_smile:

:word: I saw that and LOLd

damn review is just a straight teaser, I hope this :snky: soon

PICS OF ALL CARS AND TRACKSā€¦ but its in french :frowning:


The great thing about Forza 3 is that it encourages even the novice to take off the training wheels and drive freely with the assists off. A rewind function allows you to instantly skip backwards in five-second intervals during a race. Misjudge your speed on a tight corner? Rewind. Get tapped from behind and spin out? Rewind. Your cat jumps on your face causing you to crash into a wall? Rewind. Thereā€™s no penalty for using the rewind and no limit. Some might call this a ā€œwinā€ button, but I think the rewind is a crucial addition to Forza 3. It can become a crutch at times, but it also frees you to kick the difficulty up to a higher level and get a true appreciation for your car.

that soundsā€¦ really stupid. Almost as bad as GT4 where you could do that super easy Special Conditions race with one of the lowest licenses and win a car that sold for $250,000ā€¦over and over and over.

Iā€™m all for making a game enjoyableā€¦but i think that it takes away greatly from the intended fun of a racing game that is more or less aimed to be a simulation. I mean, why go to all the trouble to make real time tire wear, perfect the real-life physics of the cars etc, if you can just re-do every little screw up as much as you want?

Then donā€™t use it, problem solved. The game is made to appeal to everyone when it comes to difficulty and apparently it does a good job at it.

+1 i really dont understand how anyone can complain about this, its still a game and maybe it wont be your fault you fuck up a turn, maybe your cat jumps on your lap and you crash or maybe some flys are flying around and land on your faceā€¦ duh!