They didn’t put the GTR in because the GTR development team holds all copyrights and licensing for the GTR, seperate from Nissan. The GTR team said the only way it could be in there was if there were no mods allowed blah, blah blah, and the Forza team didn’t want that. It was a conscious decision.
Good to hear I can now swap an RB26 into an S-chassis without making it AWD.
nope i have it its not in it. who ever played forza 2 will be somewhat dissapointed when they see alot of cars gone that should have been kept. i yet to buy a suv and see if i can flip it.
I assume the GTR will be DLC, since they did talk about that. I’m pretty sure it didn’t make the disk release though, for the reasons I described above.
Any examples of cars they ditched that they should’ve kept?
I just hope they didn’t go totally ghey like GT with their cars and give you a shitpile of useless econoboxes and SUVs that no one would ever waste their time with… This is a simulator. I wanna drive all my dream cars, not cars I don’t buy IRL because they suck so much.
Word on the street is that theres a download package with a huge oval test track, drag strip and ken block gymkana type area for donuts and shit … theres even cones pylons and hangers to drive though.
Body kit on the RE looked like ass. Good ridance. Oh and now you can paint over pre-painted cars. So you can have a murdered out Top Secret Silvia, or a shit brown ALMS vette, you get the point.
cant wait till it releases so i can finally connect my xbox back online to download some cars and tracks. fun game though a huggge improvement over the last 1 .
Any idea which drivers they got to do the vid? I remember there was a team back in the day that would post vids of them drifting in different games like that. I wonder if they hired them to do that vid you posted SaNTi