Forza 4

Just renewed my live account. BOBBYGRV request me!

I just beat someone in the Maple Valley drift competition. With a GMC Syclone. haha

Played some online today to change it up.

I must say my biggest annoyance is when you clean pass someone and they go out of their way to wreck you. I hate that so much

Just like in real life. :slight_smile:

I think that was me you beat.

^ Most likely… “hondakid”

Oh ok. Haha

That was pretty hard. I had to mess around with the whole setup and everything.

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Yeah the online racing is a big turn off. Just like it was in Forza 3.

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M1ke Oxslong=gt. Sent a club request too.

—> trillzilla21 Haven’t played in a while since I bought BF3

Sorry guys I’ll add you ASAP, I’ve been playing BF3 lately.

I haven’t been playing anything…
I’ll be spending soem time on tomorrow.

I just made it around the TG test track in 114.7 in the 458 in “free play” “hot lap” mode. I couldn’t get under 119 in the fully assisted setting. I cheat as much as possible. Anyone playing tonight?

Figured I’d bump this one back up. This along with Dirt 3 was played last night after stopping in Rochester to get a old Xbox 360 steering wheel. A friend and I did a 1hr/1.5hr build with pvc piping. We have the basis down on and will build off this to make it more stable. We will add a seat probably soon as well. Possible passenger seat from an S2000.

Anyways, here’s what we designed with left over pvc.

      • Updated - - -

We ended up using a computer chair for the time.

3 never lived up to Gran Turismo’s greatness, doubt I will ever play another Forza again.

I found 4 to be completely different than 3. I started playing 3 the other week not even realizing that I had 4 since I haven’t played the xbox in months. What a difference in the handling.

Get off your high horse about Grand Turismo and play the current version of Forza…why the fuck would you mention 3?

This game still rocks. I find myself tossing the disc in on random laundry days. Couple races, a free car, empty the dryer. :stuck_out_tongue:

Forza has been better than grand Turismo since its existence.

Simulation driving wise, GT has it… adding the crash/accident factor into it… Forza the whole way. People try to argue that the crashing/damage is not needed, but I find myself racing a whole different style on forza so that you don’t hit anything at all and damage the car. GT doesn’t matter if you blast around a corner riding a wall and its annoying that they wouldn’t put the damage factor in to the game.