Found a 180sx in the yard today.

Hold on a second.

Lets see… remember the times I called you about 50 times and you didn’t pick up? After we had that conversation about those parts that I bought that ended up being stolen? Fabio got the parts from you? Ringing any bells?

Hmm. Not the first time stolen shit has been traced back to you. Could be a coincidence? Probably not, judging how you dealt with the situation when I told you about it.

How would they know that that engine is stolen?

The cops need evidence to prove this is stolen property. I don’t see how they have much to go on. Their case in a court of law would be flimsy at best unless they out right lied.

If it’s this easy to convict someone for a stolen engine. Then shit, I will pick a car with a nice engine and say its mine too. Maybe then I can replace my old shit.

engines to have some kind of vin number on them.

It’s easy, it’s probably from a GTS-T that was stolen and chopped, there is a serial number on the engine that is traced back to the VIN # of the stolen car.

Once it gets traced back to someone who can’t give a good excuse for where they got the motor, they get pinned with the charge. And I have a feeling that will be our friend Jayson.

thats shitty! but then what happends to his car?

im going to take the recipt to the police, but the car has already ben impounded and i have to wait for the court date

do you have to pay for storage while waiting for the court date?

All motors have VIN or ID numbers that can be tracked back to the orignal car. Hondas have two VIN plates i know of, JDM shops remove them when they sell you the engine so there is no issues.

You have to pay storage and for your sake hope then VIN wasnt insured to a Canadian car cause if it is your FUCKED

Brendan, I have a feeling that this is all my fault. If its true then I will do everything to help jayson out. However, I dont think this is my old engine. Keep us updated on the situation.

I wasn’t implying it was yours, though the thought had crossed my mind.

It’ll be interesting to see what comes of the situation.

No matter if it was stolen your not, I would go into the court and say “I had no idea the motor was stolen cause it was in the car when i bought it, so your going to have to speak the previous onwer about it and getting my money back” BAM there you go!!

The theory behind the “possession of stolen property” is that you have to make sure the item your going to buy is not stolen or does not contain any stolen parts or if it looks out of place YOU have to report it.

The whole i bought it like that rarley ever works because the previous owner could turn around and claim he dosent know what your talking about and that you swapped the engine in there yourself.

^^ Thats very true BUT the buyer cant always find out anyways. and why did you say it was your fault??

Long story. I will tell you one day. Not on here cause there are way too many people involved.

Okay kool, well you got me PM lol

I hope all works out man!!

damn that sucks, cops took my car in peel 1 time for 2 weeks saying that they think my motor is stolen. the cop was a ass he just rubbed the top of my motors head and said its id# is scratched what a dick i tried telling him its located on the block no the head. but yeah got it back after 2 weeks hopefully u get your car back.

^^ always bring all documents in a binder located in the car and another set of the documents at home. When getting into motor swaps it is very good to do. Trust me it helps alot!

best of luck man i will talk to my dad about the price of the storage and try to help out another nissan buddy!

eh they take his car to thier shop tear out the engine he gets billed for the man hours and the cost then he also gets a fine but thats only if he gets convicted if he doesnt and can raise enough doubt all he will have to do is pay the towing and impound…that can even be waived if you go bout it right

yo when they took your car did they have a siezure paper and search paper?

From the sounds of it i don’t know whats really going on the one cop told me i prolly end up ownin this car.