Found a Delorean

I happened to stumble across a Delorean, to which location I will not disclose at this time, this afternoon. The car has been sitting for over 7 years in its current location. To put it mildly, the car was surrounded by tress that have grown in around it. It doesn’t run, and the mechanic, at the shop where it’s located, said I could take the car for 1000 bucks, just to get it off their property. Other than 4 flat tires and broken door handles, the car was in decent shape. I spoke with the owner of the shop and he was concerned about title issues, because the car was abandoned at his shop, 7 years ago. Is it possible to get a new title for the car without the original owners signature considering the circumstances? I’d appreciate any advice on this situation, as the shop owner doesn’t want to wast his time if I’m not 100% committed. He told me the last few people, who were interested, ended up wasting his time and not following though, so he is hesitant to work with me because of this.

Would the shop happen to be in Columbia county? I know a place I go from time to time for work has one sitting around that it looks like it needs some serious TLC

No, it’s in Fulton County.

He can get a mechanics lien on it and sell it

Register it at a 82 firebird if all else fails… lol… for $1000, that might be a fun drift car …buy it no matter what… then try the title stuff.

even i you can’t get a title, pick it up, even without a title you could sell it and profit.
or epic track car.

I have 2 Flux Capacitor for sale, let me know if you need it in the future.

Yup unfortunately since the vehicle is abandoned you’d have to notify the police and they’d have to take certain steps and eventually auction it off. Or if the mechanic can get ppwk on it and file some sort of garagemans lien to eventually get ownership to sell it.

:excited NEED PICZ

^^ agreed

Deloreans are ugly, old, pieces of shit that were made relatively famous by a somewhat decent movie. Put the $1000 in the bank and walk out with a smile on your face.

Anyone see the “RepoMen” “reality” tv show where they took the Mike J impersonators Delorean? :rofl

I should neg rep you for this post.

that was operation repo… and that was ROFL good…

that show is fake and its retarded

Thanks for the advice. I’ll try to see if I can get some pics of it tomorrow when I talk to the shop again.

if you back out, ill pick it up in a heartbeat!

probably the first and only time one would be in a demo derby

are you kidding? id restore it and drive the hell out of it

I really thought youd want to do something redneck with it.