Looks like a renter at the in-laws apartment decided to leave
his car behind.
He left no title, and no keys.
Allegedly, he was supposed to drop off the keys but has not been seen and is unreachable.
They are probably going to call a towing company to come get it.
Its a 93 Camry in “good” shape other than a bad fuel line.
I have yet to see it, but if it is in fact in decent shape, I would
try to get it running so long as there is a way of legally getting rid of it after.
Call a tow company and the owner of the car will be liable for the tow charges since they abandoned it on your property? Not positive on this ofcourse but that’s what I’d look into if I were you.
He allegedly lost the title, and never came back to leave his keys.
But then again, He probably does not have any interest in speaking with the landlord as
he kept the 2 months rent security deposit.
On a side note, I used to live there years ago.
Its where my cavalier both and died, only to be towed
away and given a new life at a new residence.
theres a law, I’m not to certain of it, if its over i think 10 years olf and has been abaondoned over 2 months i think.
It becomes property of the owner or the place.
Something along those lines, part it out.
^ is true. The only way to take legal possession would be to do a garageman’s lien then aucton it to yourself. But being you are not in the businees of storage it makes it tough. Send the guy a certified letter saying storage will start at $xx.xx per day on such and such date. Then bargin the storage fee for the title. If its worth $50.00 have the guy apply for a duplicate title and have it sent to you, and you pay the fee. This can get funny as he still owns it untill the title is signed.