Fox says Time Warner Cable may drop Fox television shows

I love how every dish humper alive jumps on the TW hate wagon when crap like this happens. There’s 2 sides here. It’s not just TW’s fault here.

They are asking for your input on matters like this…

Fox also has their own site

But it says as of the 1st in Tona. (14150) we would only lose FX, Speed, Fuel, Fox Soccer and Fox Sports. Doesn’t mention Fox. weird

oh man, I like speed network, don’t even know if I get fox sports

lol k.
TWC routinely cheaps out and negotiates in bad faith, you see what happens. OK I g2g watch the Saints game on NFL network, ttyl.

if I lose speed TW can eat a dick, since they have taken over the service has been shitty, they installed the stupid fucking blue screen because they suck dick at television, and the internet is down for hrs all the time due to “maitnence” I had adelphia for 3 years before tw took over, my internet was down ONCE in 3 years.

my net has been down 25 times in the last 2 years.
mother fuck TW.

IBjabbu with the company line

I miss my nfl network
it’s obv TW’s fault, ive never seen this shit with other providers, if it does happen they dont broadcast is across the screen

i fucking hate tw

they were supposed to cancel all MTV related networks too (spike, mtv, nick, 9 other stations) didnt happen, but they’re still complete fggts

ehhh been with adelphia/TW for around like 10yrs or so. My 'net has gone down maybe 2-3 times in 10 yrs. 1 of which due to a old modem. As for their lineup and the prices I pay…I have no complaints at all with TW. Maybe i’m in the minority but it is what it is. I like watching football but I could give 2 shits that I dont have the nfl network.

Well you see, all the other providers also have to negotiate new contracts with the different networks.

I work for Dish so I am far from a “humper” as you put it. I believe in my company and think and know 100% that they offer a superior product compared to what TW offers. When was the last time Dish lost a channel to negotiations???

Anybody remember the Channel 4 fiasco from last year??? Guess what, the ABC and NBC contracts are coming due for TW as well. I bet you that TW will be crying again about how another network is trying to rob them and their customers. They are always really quick to divert the blame to the network that is just seeking it’s share.

Suck it up and pay your bills like all the other providers already do!


I pay extra for speed channel, so how does this work?
Time warner charges like 40$ a month more than Dish and gives you less channels, so how come dish can afford fox?

They can go fuck themselves straight up. The day my speed dosent work, I’ll be calling, and the speed charge will come off my bill. Also i will be getting, hbo, CINEMAX, STARS and any other paid service they have for free until fox is back, or im cancelling my service

why dont u just go to dish?

I have fios now. I had twc They did suck. Try to get as much free shit off of time warner until someone has a better deal

free shit is fun, and because time warner has stuffed thier pockets for too long, its time they give me some free shit or go fuck themselves.

Id honestly like to see them go under.

Did you ever find out what that is? Or why it’s happening? It randomly pops up when I’m watching tv at night.

something in the thread I posted was them clipping to save bandwidth ect, so basically your unlimited tv, that you pay for is limited, unless your changing channels in the middle of your fucking movies.

WTF. That’s retarded.

you guys aren’t looking at the reprocussions(sp?) of this…

if FOX gets their way and TW agrees to the $1 per customer charge… what’s stopping the other “free” channels from doing the same? TW will just raise their price and fuck us even MORE…

normally, i would say TW should just take it up the ass and accept it… but then i can see other networks following suit…

it sucks that we (the consumer) are in the middle of this

I assume this same thing will happen to other companies once they renegotiate their contracts with Fox