Frank's for ever lasting project civic.slow progress

Is this the H22 swapped coupe that was at Inline??? If so, what’s the need for a cage??

idk joey those look like saratoga county sherrifs so that be a little hike to come to rotterdam

So? people from Buffalo and all over go to Synapse…Hell a guy from British Coloumbia or Washington or something drove to get his Toyota truck built at Synapse

damn but not many ppl know about inline they just opened last year lotta people round here know bout it i aint arguin with u joey im just say

Oh i know, i was just sayin too :lol

No that wasnt me that you seen.I still have the D15 in the car.

So i cleaned up the bar and sanded it all down with 800grit paper. I then sprayed it black. I then sprayed the floor of the car with under coating but after it had dried every time i hit it with something it would chip or peel up so i sprayed bed liner over it and it came out a lot better looking.

So as i was waiting for all that to dry i was bored i took the head liner out,and decided to repaint that. I painted it before but i didn’t do any prep work to it so it started chipping. So this time i used scotch bright to scruff it up, and get the chipping paint up. I then sprayed it with adhesion promoter then painted it.

So what’s the need for a cage?

so he can hood rat it.

Because im a rice No i fugred sence it was striped out already i mise well get that done so when the time comes when i need it ill already have it in.

So i got back to work tonight on the car. I took a pretty long break and just got other work done around the house to get that out of the way. I ordered new front fenders today seeing my were crinkled so those should be in soon. Then I started to figure out where i needed to cut the rust out on the passanger side of the car. After Looking and feeling around for a while me and my friend figured out where it had to be cut.

I cut out all that was needed to totally get the rust out. So heres the pile of what used to be my car before rust took over.

then just the cut hole on the upper sections

my friend raced joey b4 :lol

hate to say it, but those welds look iffy on the cage. Have any better pics of them?

They may be they were the best i could do.Yet i never really welded before then but they wwere all done on the D setting on my MIG welder.I couldnt weld more then 3 beads without the damn car catching on fire.Ill take some better pictures tomorrow

Do you think its… Safe?

Honestly i do.I mean its really tight, and I’m a kinda big kid (6’2 215) and i was hardcore yanking on it to try and rip it out, and it wasn’t budging at all. I was literally trying to break it. I would like to take it to somewhere to have it inspected but I’m not sure where to go to.

im no professional but they look good to me

let me see if I can find some places for you. A car with a cage is typically a lot more hazardous in an accident than one without. Especially if the welds aren’t right.

rookie welding :idiots

No really? it was my first time welding bud