Freon (A/C) removal? tips? know someone? cut where?

hey so i gotta remove the AC junk… and i dont know where… or which line to cut to drain it all out…
or if there is some valve or cap… to remove/undo… :/:

otherwise… mayb somebody can direct me to somebody who has the machine or w.e it is to remove it… (a person who can come on site, car isnt moving)… and is cheap… LOL

thanks for any help!

BTW! its for s14…

just rip it out…

… as bad as and illegal as venting the a/c is … yea just rip it out … Sorry for Lack of Actual help … when i stripped my parts car down i just started unbolting stuff till it was nothing but a block in a empty engine bay

Make sure to wear gloves when you release the Co2 from the lines because if you dont your looking at some serious frost bite and you might end up losing some digits

why not just spend the 20-30 bucks at an a/c shop and get the freon removed from the system.

ill remove it for free. but just release it by undoing it.

open one of the nipples and push it in with a skrewdriver if some shoots out fuck it crack a line loose on the compresser or condencer and let it spew out i wont lose sleep for giving you this knowlage just dont let anybody see u do it. people do worse things all over the world dont worry about int and the refrigerent is not co2 ints r-12 freon

yeah just vent it out. Who cares… it’s the people in Antarctica dying not us.

I ment R-12 im tired been up since 5am YIKES. Dont spend money just do it yourself. Then again your talking to someone who drains oil in the sewer!

yea my old driveway could have been deemed toxic from all the oil and coolant and shit…funny thing was i had a long bush that i poured all my oil into…and the part i poured the oil into grew twice as big as the other parts of the bush…lol(this is in know way true and im not responsible my friend did it)