Friday the 13th.

For all you superstitious bastards I feel for ya.

The rest of us - carry on as usual.

It might be bad that the LVD drift event is on this date. Possible wrecked cars on video?

I dunno it seems like the calls I’m getting at work are extra bizzarre and/or wand to make me punch babies more than usual today but that could just be the Friday factor as well.

Did my first EMS call today on the 13th floor. I asked if their were any black cats or broken mirrors before I entered the room.

Wait til your first full moon there rookie :).

And Friday the 13th is superstitious because it’s the day that the Templars were rounded up to have their land, wealth and lives taken…

It’s also the day that a big rock will be passing pretty damn close to us.

Just another date on the calendar to me. Was actually quite a good day sofar :slight_smile:

Blew a hole the size of Florida in the block of the racecar,so my Friday the 13th lived up to its name,can’t complain first bad one I had in my 20 yrs of living

I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.

I had 10 black cats come out of the back of my truck when i opened the tailgate. Everthing was fine after that though. Shotguns are wonderfull.

Spent the day on track at NJMP. I was fine, some others were not.

Drift event went smoothly!

I am not a rookie… I was referring to the first call of the day. Not the first call of my career.

The last Friday the 13th I worked I did 2 shootings and a shanking. None of which were Myers.

April 2029, the final time. Its a friday 13th of course, you wont live to see noon.

da fuck does that mean?

Boxersix mentioned the big rock passing us. Some say its going to hit us in april of 2029 friday 13th is the day it falls on. What i said was actually a song that goes " April 2029, the final time. The end my friend is not near, the hour infact is quite here. When the moon becomes red, see the risen dead, this means gods turned his back on you. Its a friday 13th of course, you wont live, to see noon". People say thats the real time to watch out for not thos 2012 shit.

you talkin silly right now

People “say” thats whats goin down. Who knows.

yeah 4/2029 it’s supposed to swing in on a calculated trajectory that’s below our typical satellite orbit. Some odd few hundred miles outside out atmo. If it misses us, it get’s to take another swing some seven years later. It’s big, but apparently not a “end of days” size rock. Would certainly fuck shit up royally though.

With all of the insane technology we have (and we don’t know about), I’m sure they could project a trajectory, impact point, force of impact, and all that jazz. The question is…


We could send Ben Affleck to put a nuke in the belly of the beast.