Fried Pickles

I love them.

Never had them until this weekend.


You would

Good stuff. I didn’t expect to like them, but they’re fucking good.

sounds disgusting.

I would give it a try at least as I am almost always willing to try anything once.

Yeah I’ve got a Fry pickle right here for ya! :pedo:

is that how brendan got you to do that thing with him?

I will agree with you. They’re delicious.

Ever had a fried twinkie or oreos? If not… put those next on your list :tup:

so salty

one of the best worst foods ever…

I saw this thread and my mouth started watering.

I judged these on the “that sounds gross, I won’t eat them” basis, but after trying them…omg.

Honestly, in my opinion Walker has it right “one of the best worst foods ever…”

If you haven’t tried them, try them. Sooooooo good. Especially with spicy ranch sauce

Is there anything that doesn’t taste good fried?


fry that shit up, i bet it’d be all right. Worst case scenario you have a fish fry.



well done. lol

Tried these in boston for the first time a few weeks ago. They were amazing

i just had fried pickles recently and yes they are amazing. i was really surprised, i heard they have these at quaker steak and lube.

Apparently not.

suck it

seriously, I have never seen so many fried foods in my life

had them ages ago, haven’t seen them since i left houston…