Frozen Thai Fish Cakes

OMG - ever since having pan fried fish cakes with thai sweet chili sauce a few months back, I’ve been craving a way to make them at home.

Just found at the local grocery store Frozen Thai Fish Cakes - and the best part is you get like 30 silver dollar size cakes for a dollar! No more spending $7 for an appetizer - woot!

Can’t say that i have tried it, but i do dig thai food. Tom Yum soup is da bomb.

Thai food is the shit.

Hells yeah it is! We go for thai every Friday. Saigon cafe FTW!


Never been. I usually go to Jasmine.

Jasmine is pretty good too, saigon bancock is right down the road from there and they are the same owner. Try the summer rolls, they amazing…And now i am hungry, SHIT!

Yeah I could go for some Panang Chicken right about now.

You read my fucking mind

Damnit I’m starving. My banana is looking less attractive by the minute.

Perhapps if it were wrapped in a spring roll wrapper, deep fried and served with green tea ice cream it would be better. I have a half a wegmans sub waiting for me but give me panang anyday.

Wegmans subs are good too…but I’ve been totally hooked on Asian stuff. I make Asian food at home all the time, I order it all the time, the only places I ever want to go out and eat at are Asian places, I have rice cookies for a snack at work, I fucking love Bubble Tea, I have been watching lots of foreign movies, I bought a fucking Subaru (100% built in Japan).

I think of have a serious case of WishIwasanAsianitis

Lately i have been the same way. Thai japanese and chinese (only from changs) are my favorite food. And asian porn for the win


argh - you guys are killing me with talk of food. its’ not even ten AM here. I’m gonna need to get some breakfast/brunch now.

Get me some summer rolls

i agree, although it normally gives me the…

and try taste of thai on hertle.

Saigon-Bangkok is no longer affiliated with Saigon Cafe. We(Saigon-Bangkok) don’t provide them with our sauces/recipes anymore. I taught those guys how to cook, but they always messed things up. They don’t followed what I taught them and most of the time ended up with lower quality.

I noticed they weren’t exactly the same, Unfortunately i can’t make It all the way out to saigon-bangkok on fridays or else we would be bringing our business there. You can bet when i go for thai when im out of work that is the place i am going though. :tup: to your food bro! that stuff is stellar!

Where is Saigon-Bangkok?