Frugal? A Saver? Cheap, even? Post Here!

LOL@gearheads talking about how to save money

And how does your man feel about this?

my gf should post in here about leaving the AC on, leaving lights on ALL THE TIME etc. Then complains to me why i dont have money after paying the NG bill

thats when the real freaks come out, the ones that are nocturnal.

Although I have seen a guy without a nose at the Walmart in Cobleskill during the middle of the day.

Everyone hates going to walmart, but honestly if you go buy the same products anywhere else you will easily spend an extra 20-30% per trip. I have always been a stickler about cutting only coupons for stuff that we absolutely need (Wayne always forgets them on the table- doh). I used to HATE walmart growing up, but once I started buying my own groceries I refused to go to PC or Hanny. I also used to be scared to try their meats, however I now buy all our chicken, ground turkey, hot dogs etc there and have never had any problems. Whenever we get a gift card to Walmart I always stock up on meats and freeze them. One package off ground turkey = three meals for us. I also stick to the GreatValue brands- exact same product, easily 20-30% cheaper than brand name etc.

We also bargain shop for our clothes, we never pay full price for anything. We wait until we have Kohls coupons and there is a wicked sale going on to go shopping.

Only use the AC in our bedroom when we go to sleep, keep all blinds/ curtains closed during the day.

Stopped buying DD on a daily basis. I easily saved $3-5 a day during tax season by brewing my own coffee and bringing a thermos with 3-4 cups of coffee to last the entire day. Wayne and I were getting XL coffees everytime we went to DD. Plus, DD ground coffee makes an excellent stocking stuffer and 3-4 bags easily last a few months.

Save for things we want. I know this is hard, especially for Wayne. Whenever we really want something expensive we will save for it for a few months, then once we have the cash saved we do extensive research on the product and find the best deal for the money. We never use CC’s and try to pay for big purchases with cash or make sure we have cash in our account. If you do have a CC, make sure it is interest free.

SAVE, SAVE, SAVE. January 1st we opened a joint savings account and agreed to put a certain amount in it each paycheck. We also put whatever money family gives us, tax refunds, extra money in the checking account etc. into the savings as often as possible. It is AMAZING how fast the money accumulated. We reached our annual goal last month ( we still have another half a year of savings). We also agreed not to touch the money for anything, so whenever we have an unexpected expense we tried to stray away from using the savings and tried to earn extra money at work/ side jobs etc.

Ok enough ranting- you guys get the point. Saving money seems easy enough, but it is extremely difficult to stay on track. If you set goals and actually try to reach them it is actually really rewarding.


i’m buying car parts right now :rofl :rofl :rofl

Best 2 sequential posts ever.

Fuck you, you unemployed, drug addicted, constipated, attention seeking faggot.

neg rep for dumbassness


The car was a four-door Pontiac 6000 LE with 1,600 miles on it at the start. We drove 300 miles in each of the combinations described above, maintaining a 60 MPH speed on more or less level interstates throughout. Here’s what happened:

Windows up, AC off: 35 MPG
Windows up, AC on: 34.4 MPG
Windows down (all four), AC off: 33.8 MPG


hahahaha yes!

So much anger over a neg rep on an internet forum :rofl

how is pete not in here . he would teach us all some shit

-I stopped buying a coffee every morning and suck it up with the shitty coffee at work.

-Found out about a cell phone rebate through work and lowered my plan $30/mo.

-Only drink water when out (if not drinking copious amounts of alcohol).

-PBR or red dog at home.

-Fixed up my bicycle and only drive when I have too.

-Stopped smoking the reefer a while back… SAVING A TON.

-Limited eating out substantially and usually just make my meals at home.

-Filter my tap water as opposed to stocking bottles of water.

… and so on.

There’s ton’s of ways to cut overhead in your life. Don’t get me wrong I still spend money on stupid shit all the time, but a penny saved is a penny earned. Now I can go ahead and continue to support foolish habits like modding cars:retardclap

I have been using Ally bank for a bout 8 months now…I would highly recommend them…Here are some of the features…

* $0 monthly fee
* $0 to open and no minimum balance
* Free Online banking and Bill Pay
* Free Debit MasterCard®, checks and unlimited check writing
* Save time and money—get cash back when you shop
* No ATM fees at any ATM
* Variable rate account where balances $15,000 or more get an even higher rate
* Free balance alerts

Also they only charge $9 maximum for an over draft…Thats per day…Not per item…So if you have two overdrafts on the same day they will only charge $9…not $25 or $30 that most banks charge per overdraft…The no ATM fees is pretty cool…ALLY doesnt charge you to use ATM’s but most banks will charge you for using their ATM’s…So at the end of the month ALLY pays you back all the ATM fees that other banks charge…It’s perfect for people that can get direct deposit through their workplace…The only downside is that there isnt a physical bank that exists its completely online…This is the only reason that I keep my NBT checking account…Anyway…Thats pretty much it…

I got direct deposit on my paycheck, so all my money goes to the bank. If I need cash I just go to the ATM and get some out.

Water at food places, and just working more so that way I have less time to spend money on random shit.

I am horrible when it cones to my power bill. I can’t stand being hot, and living on the 2nd floor, it’s stupid hot. It’ll normally be 85 at night if I don’t have the a/c’s on. During the Day it will easily get up to the temp outside + 5-10 degrees. Without ac I have seen well into the high 90s in my place. I will gladly pay a $300 elec bill to be comfortable

I need to stop buying cars.

I haven’t had a car payment in like 8 months, I love it

I don’t own a car with a payment… I was just stating. :rofl