FS: blown 300ZX

Pretty sure i found the oil leak…tell me what’s wrong in this picture:


in case you’re a dumb…i’ll help you:


and a different angle:


looks like a feed line right into the oil filter as seen in the last pic. that’s like an inch thick piece of metal tube…how the hell it can just randomly crack like that is beyond me.

my current, uneducated diagnosis is as follows:

  • pictured piece broke while driving.

  • oil leaked out.

  • engine said “WTF where is my oil!??!”

  • engine said “fuck you.”

  • something popped…thus putting all the water in the oil pan.

the good news (for a change):

pan looks to be in the same shape it always has…no dents, punctures, etc…and i don’t see much oil anywhere but around where the pictured crack piece is…so odds are the block is still in tact and that oil wasn’t leaking from a crack in it either. i’m debating turning the key just to see if it’ll turn over at all or if it’s seized…i have no idea how else to check for this.