FS: Compustar 2W900FM AS Alarm System Manual Tranny

wat are u gonna break into my car lol? maybe u can have the shift knob thats the only thing worth stealing, or my 10$ chinese cd player :lol:

why would i break into your car? I dont need to steal…I got $$$ :slight_smile:
Shit i gave the rotas away :slight_smile:

BTW, that ^^^ was to Matt, not you :roflpicard: lol

edit: ohh and yeah… I bought the alarm :slight_smile:
Thanks Rich

ahh i get it now :mamoru:

i shoulda gotten those wheels! You just too lazy to call me :meh:

who else besides you said " ill take it"? i certainly hope that wasnt directed at my post saying i was “interested”. which is in no way an “ill take it”

its already sold.