fs/ft: 89 si. b20vtec 242whp. brand new motor $2300


tony in no way tried to rip you off youve got that backwards so dont even start sayin ppl are doin that to u …u took his money and god knows what u did with it that night …450?.. are u forgetting about the 50 he payed to have it towed to his house, and the 65$ to change the title cause u planned on takin the money and never givin him the car…uve fuckin ripped off everyone…dispite how fucked up things are for you lately @ home and shit and regaurdless if you intend on paying them back you have taken three of my good friends money and ran with it for over 4 months on some of it so ur up shits creek, imo tony did the right thing …u were planning on takin his money like everyone elses, he took a car that he payed half of what u asked him for…the agreement was to pay u the other 500 when u swapped the motor in his civic…the next day when u were supposed to do this @ 430pm u dissapeared like u did to everyone else i kno…as you found his dad is a very well respected detective in west seneca so he was not the one to try and scam and threaten his car

either way good luck sellin this thing so u can pay ppl and move on with your shit

after all this bullshit i got $600 on everything…either way u are better off leaving the car here and going to georgia because you are gonna have a bad time here in buffalo…everyone seems to be on the watchout for your ass.

lol who is gonna buy this tainted shit?

do you think he will accept a check dated august 28th, 2106? :lol:


this is donavan’s old car correct?

this is a fucking shame if it is…

yep, this is my old car, and I too got taken for a ride.:frowning: I honestly thought he was a decent kid. Guess i was wrong. Live and learn right??

What I said^^^^^^^^^
Best seller on NYspeed by far!!!
I’ll give you 20 bucks for everything!

:word: i thought i was bad. i wanna run myslef into a fucking wall after reading this kid type