I pulled my motor and am selling it with the mounts and all that jazz.
- Rb20 - Ran fine
- RB25 Turbo - Got from Flavio over a year ago, seems fine.
- No name intercooler with piping for s13 - Most retarded piping ever. Autodream did the swap originally before i bought the car. Could be fixed. But for you cheap ass Lethbridge kids it will work.
- Greddy BOV
- Engine and Tranny mounts for RB
- Wiring Harness for S14, probably work for S13 too. Rumor has it that its 2 wires to make the RB25 work on that harness.
- RB20 ecu.
- RB20 Tranny
- ACT Clutch and lightened flywheel. I think. I will pull the transmission off sometime today and double check.
Should be a plug and play swap, all your gonna need is some time. And a hole drilled for the intercooler.
Wiring isn’t the prettiest but i can clean it up a bit.
Help my mortgage broke ass afford food.
And S14 leather front seats - $120 - mintish