RB20 swap.

Yes, a friend of mine is looking for someone with enough knowledge to swap in a rb20det into his s14. You will be paid, it’s not a fucking charity. He appreciates the help. Let me know how much $$$ you want to get the job done.

In the mean time I will find a location for the swap to be done, will more than likely have to rent or borrow an engine hoist to swap it in. Unless you can provide one.

I know i’ve missed a few details, just can’t think of any more info to put at the moment. Respond with questions.

have u guys thought about getting the motor in yourself? it would be really straight forward. then pay someone to do wiring?? save some money prolly.

just a thought.

Read the RB thread I opened almost a year ago in Technical.

Basically all you need to know. Do it yourself. Save money

Agree’d. Thanks for the input. Some shops were quoting him $1,500 for a fucking DROP-IN SR swap. And more for rb

Well, that is quite reasonable for shops.

It is not a lot of work per say, yet it is. Know what I mean?

I got quoted $4500 for a red top S13 SR20 swap from a reputable shop. FAIL.

Read the whole thing. Its just pages and pages of how people are arguing about rb’s vs sr’s. There are some helpful hints but nothing to gloat about.

Who is gloating?

If you can not complete an RB swap with that information and wiring diagrams off the net…you should NOT be doing that swap. Or any swap.

Well the info there was common knowledge. You need a crossmember/mk motor mounts/ect you know the parts you need. I did the swap myself but im just saying your “info” is pretty much common knowledge. Then people start arguing about who has the healtiest rb20, Who cares. If you have to tell someone that in addition to using that thread they have to search the web also then the first thread becomes useless.



Plenty of people including myself found that thread very useful.

More so, It has turned in to the RB20 owners thread.
If you dislike it that much…why even post about it?

What must one look up on the net? Wiring diagrams? oh nooooeees

Im not saying its not usefull, im just saying its like a 800 page book with 700 pages missing. I dont dislike it but im just saying its nothing to be proud of.

If someone has to search somewere else for the wiring diagrams then dont point them to the thread with missing info in the first place.

Basically all you need to know…

What is there to not understand?

I get your main point. Yet…does not make much sense really.

Anyways…back to the thread.:stuck_out_tongue:

i dont know why you would waste your time with a rb20 swap however

its not that hard to do yourself’s … look up Nico club for all the info necessary for the swap.