FS rx7 thread close

YO !!

before you get all thug lite on this post :


topic… this is a CUSTOMER’S car… I mentioned he should post it here… obviously you ass clowns are too full of it, to ask this person about the car before you pass judgement…


well… my feelings are hurt.

anyone else?

There are many free public ad services available… ie, craigslist.org or kijiji.com

Despite his typically harsh reaction, I feel Ian is right on this one. I don’t see what rule the original seller broke. That does not look like a commercial ad at all, he’s selling one, specific car, privately from the looks of it.

No. OBVIOUSLY the seller is too full of it to introduce themselves before using our club as the autotrader.

His/Her first post is a for-sale thread for a car that isn’t even an S chassis. No “hi’s” or “hello’s” or “this is who i am and what im doing here”. And it wasn’t clear whether or not the sale was private or commercial.

Either way the seller has contacted me through pm and I told him/her how the situation can be remedied.

Thank you for your concern.

and it was well beyond your ability to contact the seller first? wow… jabba the moderator… how do you get up the energy to breath every day… that must be trying for you…

Why should I extend that courtesy to him or her if the poster didn’t even bother to say hello?

BAS has been banned for 3 days.

Please be respectful to your moderators, especially Mike because he’s so cute.