Fsane's X-Ray of the YEAR!! Enter at your own Risk


This thread includes broken bones and more…DO NOT Scroll down, if you have a weak stomach!!!

I work in Radiology and sometime once in a blue moon I get some weird/shocking xrays from work.

This time it didn’t happen here at my job, it happened at another hospital, but one of the guys works here and there, so he brought the xray over. This is for Educational purpose use only, so all of you “Oh, you are breaking the HIPAA violation”…don’t bother and save your breath. I am not reveling anybodies name, age, ethnicity…etc.

Ok here is what happened. Young guy in his 20’s was working with a tree shredder. (you can see where I am going with this). Apparently he had stuffed too many tree branches and the shredder got jammed. So he decided to push the jammed tree branches with his Right Foot. Things did not go so well for this young man. :frowning:

Here is what a normal Xray looks like. (Random google image):

You can see the lower right leg on the left of the pic which has bottom of the Femur, then tibia and fibia.


Here is the Xray of the young man who stuffed his foot into the shredder.


Fortunately, he did survive, but his leg had to be amputated below the knee.

ouch! ripped the bone right off his leg. any pics of the actual leg??


LESSON.LEARNED… that sucks though

No, sorry.

Trust me, you would not want to see the actual leg.

ugh, holy crap

fibula looks to be in decent shape although i cant see the lateral malleolus, haha however since the white surrounding the bones (prob tibialis anterior, lateral head of gastrocnemius, etc) tapers off yeah he’s done for. it almost looks like a spiral fracture on the rt tibia, interesting angle i wonder how he stuck his foot in the shredder without it chopping off the distal portion of the fibula, its odd how maybe his foot got twisted and thats why the medial surface is the most damaged

oh ps, where do you work that you actually use real xray films anymore? everything is digital now just about everywhere

thats sad to see

Yeah, my work is all digital, but not every facility can afford it.

wrd, its cool to see that stuff, thanks for sharing. do you know any other history behind the injury?

He survived? I guess Darwin will have to try harder next time.

Don’t have much info to reveal (Damn HIPAA)

But I do have other pics I snapped at work

Nail in Hand:

Here is some poor fella that decided to try out his Wifes fav toy…(Can you guess what it is) :lol:

Still can figure out?

Ehhh, just for Shits and Giggle…

Here me being a BAD BOY at work :lol:

How the fuck did he get that up his ass?!?!?! LMAO

Good pics but the ones of you anhhh not so much.

i gotta find my x rays, guaranteed top 10 haha


me too,

dislocated spine cutting the spinal cord > most

Not me, but this happened to one of my friends about 6 years ago.

Haha holy shit how did he get that in there? Almost looks like it went in his eye socket.