FUCK AutoXing

To be nationally competitive? Yeah definitely, car setup is infinite and different techniques affect the outcome…there are no danger variables, no other car to get in your way, etc etc, so yeah it is way more vague, the course is ALWAYS different, the apex’s arent the same for every car…i can go on and on here…It is way more difficult to be a pro aut-xer than it is to be a pro-driver. The car needs completely different shock valving and spring rates than if you were road racing. That is an art in itself…when tire rack compares and test tires what do you think they do? They set-up an auto-x and skid pad and test tires. Why? Because you abuse the tire harder than if you were on track…If anyone here thinks it’s easy to be pro at it…than come to national tour with us, bring your car and get your ass handed to you on a silver platter by the guys driving there street tired touring cars, while you are on your race rubber…