Driving from my buddies house (5 seconds from where i got pulled over) im puttin on my seat belt at a stop sign, two bike cops (pedal bike) roll up and say i wasnt wearing a seatbelt, i told him that i just left my buddies house and i was in the car in 5 seconds, he says doesnt matter it was a failure to wear a complete seat belt. Goes on to look around the car and says that hes gving me a ticket for no front license plate, comes back to the window says he sees shake on the ground of the car asks me if i got weed, guns er liquor keeps askin me i say no none of that, fucks off fer 10 minutes comes back with failure to wear complete seatbelt assembly (bc it was half on???) gives me a $120 ticket, warning bout the plate and gives me some bullshit lecture.
Shitty eh, i just got my car back on the road prolly have less then $100 to my name and i got a $120 ticket, fuck’em
They were just doing their job. 5 seconds, 1 second, doesn’t matter. You could’ve been wearing your seatbelt for 5 hours non stop and happen to remove it for a second and you still would’ve gotten the ticket.
Your fault buddy.