Fuel stabilizer question

So i’m always nervous about fuel additives, and obviously a noob when it comes to them too…that said, i poured one small bottle of fuel stabilizer in the Z before putting it in the air for the past 4 months…

It was just about empty at the time, had maybe 2 gallons in it, so i poured 2 more into it, poured the stabilizer in the tank, and then topped it off with another 3 gallons of gas so it could all mix around. Then, i let the car sit and run for 10 minutes or so, so the stuff could get into all the lines and what not…

What i’m concerned about is how this stuff burns? Obviously with a boosted car i only run 93 octane…but i have no idea how this stabilizer stuff works.

Should i baby the car until this batch of gas is burnt up, and wait to really get on it at all until i have a fresh full tank of 93, or will i be safe if i feel the need first time out in months to just step on it? Obviously i’m gonna change oil first, which it needed, and let it warm up for a while, and take it for a slow lap or two around the block first to make sure i dont run into any problems once i’m out of my neighborhood…but once i’m on my way…how should i treat the car?

stabalizer is just that…stabilizer. i wouldnt be too worried about it…maybe even swing by the parts store and check out what it says on the back. but in my experiences it never gave me any trouble, as i have always done the same thing.

Im sure you will be fine…but to be safe why not just wait till your next tank of gas to hammer on it.

My '71 sat in a garage from 1984 to 2003, it took about 50 miles of driving before the carb/lines got clean. No fuel additives or any bullshit just dilute the old gas with new gas, and go.