Full tank of diesel in gas car...OH NOES! HALP!

and if its seized?

Empty out fluids that caused seizure, prolly be fine

yea, i suppose. if its just hydrolocked mildly its not as bad

What this guy said… theres 1-2 places that sell race gas at the pump and the nozzels fit right in…

hmm did not know diesel pumps had bigger pump nozzles as well

Diesel isnt the lowest price? its likr 5-10 cents higher at most stations ive seen :lol

I talked to my friend, he says the shop will pump the gas out and drain whatever is left in the lines and such. no real damage anywhere it seems.

No you need this… it worked wonders for that guys 1K Bike. :rofl

Ill ram it in her like a retard

Isn’t that what I said before?