I did not do this. This is somebody I know. I am wondering how fuct is the car? The car is a 2010 Honda CRV, got a full tank of gas, was started and driven till it stopped. How bad is this? What has to be done? Does this have to be done at the dealer? Can this be fixed at home? Kinda urgent, as well. Car is stick about 4 hrs from here. Does insurance or warranty cover anything like this? Also, I realize some of these questions are stupid, but I figured I’ll cover then, because the person asked that.
need to drain and flush the entire fuel system. filters, etc etc etc. hopefully the engine isnt damaged. a cetane rating of 40-43 isnt good for a car that needs atleast 87 octane to run… a fuel for compression ignition has no place in a car designed for spark ignition.
tank has to be drained along with a full fuel system flush is probably required, with something that new its no at home job. hopefully id didn’t hurt any engine components, ive worked on cars with this same “problem” and it didn’t hurt the engine. the other way around is what usually causes big problems.
again idk that i would want to take something THAT new to a independent shop if fuel system components have to be removed to purge the system of the diesel.
i dont think there is such an insurance or warranty that will cover such a mishap, pretty much up to the owner.
My sister’s boyfriend filled the tank of his old diesel Mercedes with gas :facepalm
he just had to get the tank drained out and then it was fine. I lost a decent amount of respect for him that day
usually as soon as the diesel gets to the injectors, the car will not run so there is a very little time frame for any damage, and what does get in the cylinders dosnt cause much harm, because the diesel is more like a oil than a fuel in a spark ignition engine.
when diesel are actually run with gas that when egt’s go through the roof and pistons, rings and related component start melting down and and coming apart.
Siphon out as much as possible and fill with fresh gas is what I would do if I were 4 hours from home.
and run the remaining diesel through a brand new car??
thats what would hydro-lock a gas engine, enough usable fuel to burn while still getting the diesel.
Beggers can’t be choosers.
Siphon out and sell to me for bonfare fuel starter!
This has happened at my work more than once. Drain the tank, replace filters. I think thats all they do. Thats on ford E-350’s.
lol omg
I’m thinking the fuel system is gone-zo. Needs new tank bladder, sending unit, fuel pump(pumps if theres two), fuel filters, fuel lines, new injectors, for sure. Then pull plugs out and use a fiberoptic cam to look into the motor, if its all shit covered, gotta open it, right? My friend also told me that after replacing the fuel delivery system, use a little bit of alky and take off the brake booster line, let the motor suck up some of that to clear the diesel out, also put some octane booster and alky in the tank, get some sea foam as well. That should be able to clear the engine, rite?
Prolly dosen’t need all the stuff you listed. Flushing out the system and a filter change sould do the trick.
Takin shit a little too serious there, it aint a race motor :lol.
vot you would cringe if you ever saw some of the shit that i put my car/motor through
I didnt think the diesel nozzles fit in gas tanks.
Theyre usually bigger.
drain tank and fuel system open petcock on the the fuel rail let pump push fresh gas threw fuel system then procede on your way .after smackin yourself in the head with a ballpenn hammmer for doin suttin that dumb
Vot… What in da fuck was he thinking?
Pretty sure you are correct. I know that places that sell race gas use bigger sized nozzles
yeah, i always thought the diesel nozzles were bigger as well. she must have rammed it in there like a retard.