Fun in the snow!

weeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :slight_smile:

^^^ that video is … just . sad…

^^ thx for the positive comments that was my 2nd time ever driving :x

^^^ don’t worry, I can do worse :smiley:

my snow list: 1 bent axle


that is probably the most boring video i’ve ever seen on the intarweb

edit sorry I didn’t realize it was you driving the truck… but honestly i was expecting the truck to crash into a house or run over the cameraman :lol:

dammit post some good videos then please… im bored and would love to

see some good shit jesse your a good driver are you not? …

Damn…i wish i cought sundays footage of going off all four wheels finaly bottoming out sparking up the road. haha my wheel and legs kept me in the seat while my gf hit the roof and i felt her hit it just before we touched down! It was one of those Looong bumps/ramps that gradually get bigger and when ur really pushing hard and hit it hard…you fly :twisted: I never saw the bump or knew it was there…my buddys sure did kno not to go in the middle lane. I was a little worried for the car but it took the beating. From now on cam in the car!

my s14

my friends 2.5rs(wrx)

crappy rodeo attempt

2nd time ever driving eh…

It’s your 2nd time driving EVER and you’re doing THAT? what a dumbass… good luck crashing sometime soon.

^^^ word haha

moved to media.


locked cus it sucks and none of the people who posted in it can see it anymore