Funniest sex story?

i fucked this girl once, didnt last long

thanks pjb

Who is Ilya, Alex.

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Ok off topic question, but serious.

How many of you guys have nutted in a chick with no protection/birth control and gotten away with it (no prego)?


I don’t think I have the guts to do it. :frowning:

me also

I wouldn’t normally do it. However, I was incapacitated to say the least. Hard to judge when to pull out when you can’t even think straight.

Anywho, I guess I got lucky.

Me for 3 years(ex) and with 2 other single nighters.

^ damn lucky guy, maybe I’ll start :rofl

it’s really not worth the risk. i would much rather pull, thats why she has a cute face / tits.

dont listen to adam, this is becuase men cant get pregnant

Yeah, she was on the shot, which she took like once a month or something. Its 99.95% effective, and we never had an issue.


ahahhahahaahaha +rep!!!

They cant??

Dude I was talking no birth control. I bust in them when they are on the pill ect. However a girl I know from work was on birth control and still got prego. So ever since then I mix it up, face, tits, ass crack, pussy, mouth, ya know.

Oh well then DONT take my advice :rofl

birth control is only effective when not taken by MORONS who fucking forget. girls are dumb.

or the crazy ones that forget on purpose