Funniest thing you have done at a party....

it was at the second of my two big parties…

i dont remember much of it, but i’m sure there were a lot of funny things, seeing that i am a rediculous drunk, and idolize tucker max…

but what i clearly remember is standing up on a chair in my kitchen and making everybody shut up for my toast…as i was already toasted so to speak…wearing a baby-blue tuxedo print t-shirt that’s like 20 years old (literally), and several sizes too small on me…and after giving my first toast, getting back up because joe (91MR2) requested i do so, to toast one more thing…

so i proceeded to get up on the chair again, raised my glass, and at the top of my lungs yelled VAGINA!..which was followed by defening cheers all around…

probably a lot funnier if you were there…but Joe can attest to it being funnier seen that heard/read…