So pride is the only reason you’re not on unemployment (instead of low pay $400 a week minus taxes), welfare (need to be supporting kids) or food stamps (need minimal income to qualify).

Got it.

Didn’t read anything but op and yes I’m pissed…

whats your reason for working and not collecting ‘free’ money then?

actually yes.

I would rather struggle on my own, than beg, steal or otherwise take advantage of anyone.

Please note there is a BIG difference in people receiving help and people taking advantage of the system because they can and dont give a shit otherwise.

That being said, there is also pride in accepting help when help is needed/offered and being GREATFULL for it’s assistance when you get back on your feet from it.

$1800 for 4 days of work take home?! Fuckkkkkk my life sucks lol


Because its a miserable limited time living “for free” even when or if you qualify and I enjoy having things you get from working and making more?

This isn’t rocket science.

Seems like how it is with most of us. It seemed like you were glamorizing the welfare lifestyle, making it seem worthwhile.

If there is a difference between two groups why do you lump them together when talking about them?

That’s no worse than talking about irresponsible gun owners doing stupid acts, but simply referring to them as “gun owners”.

Just like irresponsible gun owners, people who stay on the system for too long or take advantage of it are a small minority. Most of the time the system helps people in need just like some members have posted in other threads that it helped them in the past.

Deadbeat, anything stopping you from finding a second part time job to supplement your missing income?

Sarcasm went waaaaaaaay over your head :rofl

no hes just trying to debate the topic at hand. :number1

In all seriousness Emanuel have you considered personal training? You know alot about fitness and working out and would definitely be qualified to train people (just gotta take a course I believe).

wooooahhhh woooohaaooo there. Never said nore implied that Johnny who was laid off from 23 years of dedicated service at his job is the same as Danny playground thug that cant hold a simple job due to lack of giving a fuck.

please re-read my bold comment.

followed up with:

Vlad alway stiring the pot

I will put it wayyyy easier this time.

If I needed more to keep my head afloat I would work harder to earn it, rather than extend my hand for a hand out I might not necessarily need. And I sure as fuck am not programmed as a person in society, to take blatant advantage of said system due to it being the “easier way out”.

Don’t look at me, I voted for Michele Bachmann.

Do you understand how much money he is making if hes losing 1800 a month… TAKE HOME from losing just four days? He probably makes more in a day than you did in a week at the towel factory or wherever you were.


Unless he became a personal trainer for a celebrity/athlete/etc. then it would be a HUGE pay cut.

I bet he’s losing more in 4 days than pjb makes all month

At that point the question is.

A) Sit at home and do nothing and lose $1800 a month.


B) find a part time job as a trainer or otherwise and work and lose less than $1800 a month.


C) go on the local forum and complain that the job your chose from an employer you don’t trust who is in a HUGE debt isn’t paying you enough/employing you for enough days for you to cover $20,000 worth of work on your Corvette.


Edit: God I love this country :rofl