3 day weekends all summer while still making bank FTW

We can start by not giving any more money to states that don’t want to pay taxes. Like Oklahoma…

I meant it as an alternative to not getting paid at all, not a new career. Just something to fill in a little.

I doubt that. I actually make pretty decent money now.

I’m well aware of what you meant.

how else do you expect us to pay for those tanks that the republicans are forcing on the the army when they say they don’t need them.

btw stopped reading after a couple post in the thread, dunno if thanks obama was serious or not but just wanted to point out that he furloghs are not just a dem/rep thing but a our gov’t refuses to work with each other thing. the republicans refuse to negotiate with the democrats who also refuse to negotiate.

im in prison everyday yes they get way too much given to them but i sure as hell like it better outside the walls as opposed to inside behind the bars id rather pay bills and be broke than live in prison without a care in the world!

Could be worse. You could be put on a furlough retention board at my work and collect literally $50.00 a week like some of our new hires are.

sorry, $1000 take home. but still. head got confused for a sec. remember im still somewhat dieting haha

a. $1000

b. i applied at 3 part time jobs just to keep busy…said i was over qualified :confused:

c. ive been working here for 10 years, when i started the government was the place to be. what exactly do u suggest i do? there are no engineering firms hiring around here. i cant just uproot my life with a lot of personal things going on right now and my family all here. so u think i should just quit? please explain. and once again the corvette was started in dec, actually before that bc i bought the motor in sept. all this sequester/furlough talk didnt start until january. so u want me to tell tony, half way though the build to just stop? not only that i had all that money set aside for that build. but even so like i had previously stated if i had known i more than likely would have put it off. but again, was all set aside.

i agree but…is he not the one who put the sequester bill into affect?

Oh, we are…we get both.

Eman, enjoy fridays off. It’ll all be okay!

I’m in the wrong business. I wish I had $1800 take home just every two weeks. I barely make that in a month now.

then you need a new job. Not losing as much but still going to suck however every Friday is going to be kinda nice…

Thought the title was “FRIEDDOUGH” sadly disappointed. Nothing to do here.

I was plus repped in this thread by jammer… not sure, but im pretty sure I just won forum’ing

I don’t know how government employment is supposed to work. Out here in the private sector, when our employer runs out of work or money, we just get laid off.

Just received and signed my furlough letter… FML

cant wait for saratoga racetrack to open. the name of this thread reminded me of furlong.



Drinking, gambling and people watching. Can’t wait.

/pjb reply

My real reply- I have never actually gone up there for the day and bet on horses.