It is ridiculous on so many levels. Look at how many teams have been terrible forever. You think its easy to be a fan of any team in any city outside of Boston in the past 5 years? There is heartbreak in everything in life we choose to support. The best part is that it is a CHOICE…you know going in you can be disappointed but you hope for the best because I personally would not want to EVER miss it when they do get it right.
So your choice is clear…give up and go watch Hockey since before 97 they were pretty awesome for a decade too.
No because at the end of it I would throw my computer into the wall in disgust for the way people treat this team. I am as mad as anyone after the past 4 weeks. But it is not going to stop me from watching and cheering and talking about them. I love this team and I love this city and if they do move I would contemplate laying in front of the moving van (not really) but I am glad to see when the fairweather fans/casual fans/think they go to a few games a year and watch on TV are somehow better fans than those of us that live and die with our teams. I get so sick of hearing how much of a loser city this is. Maybe its that fucking attitude that keeps this place in the gutter…noone cares to think optimistically…they just say OOOOOOO WHY US…POOR BUFFALO? Get up and fucking do something about it…support your teams…support your fellow citizens…support what you believe in.
I will stop taking it personal when you stop complaining about things you cant control…you want to watch a winner…join the Boston Bandwagon if you can find room on the train. I on the other hand will love the Day when Bills win another title and I will be dancing in the street and all of the years of disappointing seasons and wasted talent and poor coaching will fade away and I will be left there with the rest of the people who love a team for what they are and how they unify a city every week for a few months of a year.
I understand where your coming from really guys I do. But I’m just so frustrated, and instead of berating me, just look at where I’m coming from. I love football, I love going over to peoples houses and eating bad food, having a beer and cheering my team on.
But for the last couple of years it has been harder and harder to do the cheering, not the drinking or eating part though